Source Code

Nick’s Pizza Virus

The virus you get from Nick’s pizza repetitively calling you.

Bryce has the Nick’s Pizza Virus from being called by Nick’s Pizza 69 times last week.

by Mrcdogs20 August 29, 2021

West Nile Virus

A virus that is contracted from bird to misquito to human. Most humans that become infected with the virus will have no symptoms at all. Mild symptoms include: headaches, fever, rash, diarrhea, back pain, etc. Serious symptoms need to be treated a.s.a.p. which include: swelling of the brain, coma, etc. all which are extremely rare! Extremely rare!

I have had West Nile Virus, it sucks, but goes away little by little. No need for medical attention unless you become extremely ill. Only 1% or less will become seriously ill, and only 1% of those people will die. So no worries.

by wickedbrooklyn September 9, 2008

6👍 1👎

west nile virus

A mosquito-based virus that adversely affects roughly one in a hundred people who have an acute case of it; of those, 3 to 15 percent die. This reflects 3 to 15 percent of 1 percent, or 0.03-0.15% of all of those who get the virus.

Also the alias of a non-existent virus which will, according to mass-media, kill us all slowly and horribly.

You're more likely to die in a car crash or bathtub.

by Trafton June 1, 2004

16👍 6👎

O-town Virus

A virus that infects your computer causing it to download mp3s from the 90's boy band O-town. Causes physical and psychological damage to both you and your PC.

Dude you plugged your computer into the Network, and now I think I have the 0-Town virus.

by Matt Frazier November 18, 2004

10👍 3👎

Obvious Ad-Virus

The unofficial looking advertising claiming amazing things will happen if you click the add, but is in fact probably a virus.


God dammit. I hate these Obvious Ad-Viruses, theyre so cheesy looking and unofficial, I dont think anyone would believe it.

by EuropeIsRacistDammit October 3, 2011

11👍 4👎

woke mind virus

A contagious ideological mindset that tends to infect susceptible groups, such as collage professors, television news reporters, actors, and obese, green-haired, non-binary gender fluid demiboys.

Tyler, an obese, green-haired, non-binary gender fluid demiboy (her/them) has been infected with the woke mind virus.

by PBSPinchback April 20, 2022

144👍 85👎

Woke mind virus

The ideology of all the people who claim their politically correct beliefs are right as it is only they and like-minded people who truly recognize society’s problems.

Thinking only your perspective is the ideal one is nothing but woke mind virus

by ScienceBEE December 31, 2022

53👍 28👎