The virus you get from Nick’s pizza repetitively calling you.
Bryce has the Nick’s Pizza Virus from being called by Nick’s Pizza 69 times last week.
A virus that is contracted from bird to misquito to human. Most humans that become infected with the virus will have no symptoms at all. Mild symptoms include: headaches, fever, rash, diarrhea, back pain, etc. Serious symptoms need to be treated a.s.a.p. which include: swelling of the brain, coma, etc. all which are extremely rare! Extremely rare!
I have had West Nile Virus, it sucks, but goes away little by little. No need for medical attention unless you become extremely ill. Only 1% or less will become seriously ill, and only 1% of those people will die. So no worries.
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A mosquito-based virus that adversely affects roughly one in a hundred people who have an acute case of it; of those, 3 to 15 percent die. This reflects 3 to 15 percent of 1 percent, or 0.03-0.15% of all of those who get the virus.
Also the alias of a non-existent virus which will, according to mass-media, kill us all slowly and horribly.
You're more likely to die in a car crash or bathtub.
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A virus that infects your computer causing it to download mp3s from the 90's boy band O-town. Causes physical and psychological damage to both you and your PC.
Dude you plugged your computer into the Network, and now I think I have the 0-Town virus.
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The unofficial looking advertising claiming amazing things will happen if you click the add, but is in fact probably a virus.
God dammit. I hate these Obvious Ad-Viruses, theyre so cheesy looking and unofficial, I dont think anyone would believe it.
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A contagious ideological mindset that tends to infect susceptible groups, such as collage professors, television news reporters, actors, and obese, green-haired, non-binary gender fluid demiboys.
Tyler, an obese, green-haired, non-binary gender fluid demiboy (her/them) has been infected with the woke mind virus.
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The ideology of all the people who claim their politically correct beliefs are right as it is only they and like-minded people who truly recognize society’s problems.
Thinking only your perspective is the ideal one is nothing but woke mind virus
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