When you could swear that you felt your phone go off in your pocket. But then upon checking, you discover your phone wasn't even in your pocket.
That's weird, I just had some Phantom vibes...I thought I felt my phone go off, then I realized I left it in the car.
Ghost Vibes is difficult to explain because it's a feeling. The term originates from a friend group in Uncle Fatih's pizza joint off Granville Street in Vancouver. Cue spooky music inside and a man sitting alone falling asleep like a shell of a human in his chair. One friend tries to see if this drunk mans is okay but he was basically mute. The girls look at each other and one says "ghost vibes." The term now lives on to describe ~chaos~, but you gotta experience it to understand.
Think extreme chaotic energy/things are weird AF/ people are unwell/ nothing makes sense/it's ~spooky~ but not in a horror movie kind of way.. but also kind of. Like something that gives you such wack vibes it seems lowkey paranormal but you also know it's not . As u can tell, very hard to explain. Can also be used in the format of "a ghost vibe" for a singular vibe.
"Omg last night was suuuuch ghost vibes"
Pretentious buzz phrase that is the new equivalent of paradigm shift.
If you want to sound as stupid as possible, be sure to put vibe shift in your news article.
A good or bad way of explaining your high
"I'm getting sucha good tree vibe from this bud"
In reference to someone’s ability to assess a vibe check.
Sheeeesh! I told you he’d come through, bruh my vibe radar’s on point for real for real!
pronouced Vibe check
unexpected throwing out of the windows
P: Where is Austria ?
H: Porbably failing vibe Czech