v. phrase. British expression for emptying one's bladder. Originally a euphemism used by Royalty but now used generally to mock the upper crust.
Excuse me Your Highness. I fear it is high time for me to be watering the cricketfield.
Would you like my groundskeeper to help you with that? She's very good with a hose.
I fear not M'am. Jolly good thought though.
Ya Know.... Water Rocks
Also known as "Ice"
A hardened, colder form of water.
Did you guys see those water rock sculptures?!
Those were the best water rocks I have ever had.
A high-proof, high octane, alcohol that is a blend of homemade whiskey and moonshine.
“I see you don’t have your teeth in today”
“I hit the lightning water a little too hard last night”
A person which their sexual desire gets fulfilled with the sight or the touch of water H2O
Random person : Why didn't you go to the party last Friday?
Random person 2 : i couldn't because my water kink took the control over me
The movie had very sad ending. They was a lot of eye water!
a bitch of a stand owned by some sans wanna-be.
originated off a large roblox-jojo community, specifically the sub-community of JoJo's Alternative Universe, as a fanmade stand in the game's creation engine.
A: "hey you heard of Water Rats?"
B: "no."