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Whistling Vivaldi

Pretending to fit in by openly defying stereotype

Studies show African American Harvard students are seen as more equal and more accepted when noticed publicly whistling Vivaldi.

"I really like Minecraft, and I'm not just whistling Vivaldi".

by AlmightyB99 February 9, 2021

Whistling Vivaldi

An act of playing against assumed stereotype.

The hipster died his beard because he couldn't accept his age, but he was just whistling Vivaldi.

by AlmightyB99 February 9, 2021

dirty whistle

A person whose good nature gets exploited. Often used in the context of dry elbows.

What? Do you take me for your dirty whistle?

by Cantucurlactivator96 November 6, 2018

Whistling Kanye

The sex act of farting while your girlfriend is fingering your asshole. Done correctly, the sound made is similar to that of a slide whistle.

Similar to the Breezy Yeezy or a Puff Diddly.

I performed a Whistling Kanye last night, and it sounded better than anything on The Life of Pablo

by Scott-ish October 6, 2016

chode whistle

The *loud* muffler of a car. Commonly found on pickups, Nissans, Toyotas, and other ricey cars.

"Yo you hear that loud car go by? Its got such a chode whistle"
"Yeah, it sounds really powerful"

by Qocc-nobbler December 6, 2020

Bangkok whistle

A ladyboys penis

Hey jade, check out that chick in her beautiful dress.
Ah Karen, that’s not a chick, I can see her Bangkok whistle!!

by Hastos December 29, 2021

Bangkok whistle

A lady boys penis

Hey jade I love that lady’s dress...
Karen, that’s not a lady, can’t you see her Bangkok whistle??

by Hastos December 29, 2021