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A word you say when throwing a certain object or person at something or away from where the thrower is standing.

A person that says this word and follows it up with throwing something is considered a 'Yeeter'.
When commiting this act the person is also considered to be 'Yeeting' this object.
After the object or person was thrown by another person will the thrown object or person be called: 'Yeeted' to indicate that they were thrown.

Person: "Yeet!" *Proceeds to throw an un-pinned fragmentation grenade at a random person at the local Starbucks*

by yagamerbro June 16, 2022


To throw a massive something with a shout any a YEET

Hey throw this
Ok boomer. YEET

by HazzaSpazza December 16, 2019


a word people use when trying to say "yes" but in a more fun way! It's super fun to say and very easy to understand. Yeet should be in the dictionary because lots of people say it but its not profestional to say yeet because its not in a dictionary. But I'm here to change that statement and make yeet a official word!

Yeet! I got the part!!

by Millie Wolfhard December 28, 2018


The action of throwing an object with great ferocity, this action is often confused with the other popular action of Kobe, which is throwing something at a great length.

Person 1: This bitch emptyyeet

by USAndor March 10, 2020




by Yeetsicle July 12, 2018


A word one uses while preforming the the act of propelling an object through the air at alarming speeds, in order to neutralize a target, whether it be friend or foe, make contact to another object for whatever reason or, show that shithead Johnny that you indeed can launch a dildo father than he can.

You: Bro, Jordan is about to get F*CKED!
Your friend: What?
You: YEET! (launches rock at Jordan's dick)
Rock: (direct hit)

by a god damn Scotsman March 30, 2020


The word ‘Yeet’ means to dispose of an object at extremely high speeds.

If you don’t Yeet that Hydro Flask over the crowd then you’re not a true VSCO

by Dumost —— October 19, 2019