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i yammed that whole cauliflower sandwich that i was gifted by a lady, but i didn't yam the bread, cos carbs, fam.

Are you gonna yam that sandwich or not fam?
Why you worried about my sandwich tho fam?
Cos if you aint yammin, it, i will!
Move from me fam, and let me yam my sandwich in peace. mans all up in my bizniz. cho!

by djmitz June 4, 2024


A secretive transfer of a yam or sweet potato to a receiving party without their knowledge

1. Elliot’s been yammed by post.

2. It appears I’ve been yammed in the pretzel packet.

by That’s yamtastic September 29, 2022


High as FUUUUCK off weed.

"I was so yammed last night i ate an entire batch of brownies."

by Daw3156 September 12, 2022


Stoned, high, hammered, a really great sense of euphoria after smoking cannabis.

Often seen as the yam emoji when typed out, but is interchangeable with the word.

I am so yammed right now that I bought out all the Lady Gaga Oreos and Reese's Puffs when I went to buy dinner at the grocery store.

by Xazangirl March 25, 2021

E'd yam

Short form of pounded, it's a new slang on Twitter to abbreviate pounded.

Guys, I made E’d yam with my food processor and instantly felt pity for people who can’t cook what they want to eat. Imagine being limited to always having to buy or even worse getting married for food.

I love my e'd yam

by Tomlee090 August 19, 2023

Buttered Yams

When a man is ejaculating onto a woman and miscalculates his trajectory and finishes on his own balls. Then proceeds to wipe the ejaculate off his testicular region and the ejaculate leaves a bit of residue on the balls resembling melted butter on yams.

Wilma bumped my elbows while I was finishing and I ended up with some buttered yams.

by Platypussies October 27, 2017

bland yam

-plain girl
-a boring girl who blends in
-below standard

"You're dating Ann? She's such a bland yam."

by Gamine Girl January 28, 2009