When you have a Scott Campbell in your group, dont expect him to stay around very long, as he spends his time mastering his Harry Houdini impression by vanishing instantaneously.
Above all else Scott Campbell loves her majesty the queen and baby photos of Ewan Pender. Doesn't take kindly to things that are brown unless it was manufactured in his colon, even then it is not always brown in colour.
Whose house is that? With the Confederate flags hung up outside?
Scott Campbell's of course. Why dont you ring his doorbell?
Someone that acts very stubborn at times but when you get to know him he is a pretty sound guy, but at first he acts dickish
Scott Campbell just makes fun of you when you speak
usually gay. the name cocks suggests it. loves a cock from the back, that’s why cocks is at the back of his name. is a gym bro and mad vesher. loves zaza. has a brain full of great ideas… wait shit ideas, probs coz it’s full of spider webs tbh.
see that emo goth dude? he’s definitely a campbell cocks
Campbell, Texas you know your home in East Texas when you smell the meth and cows. Shit hole town with a shitty school that has been on the news for the superintendent stealing money among many other things. What never makes it to the news though is how teachers get caught sleeping with students and getting nudes from students. Blink and you'll miss it as you pass through. Seriously blink just don't look it's not even worth it!
Campbell, Texas a shit hole town 53 miles east of Dallas, Texas where psychopaths are allowed to roam and kill pets to display.
Dex Campbell is such a ricky retardo, biggest ricky retard there is he is so dumb, idiotic, retardo, and just the dumbest of the dumb
dex campbell is such a ricky retardo