The look that your friend gives you when they are way too drunk. There are no words said and no thoughts behind the eyes. This is when you know it's time to take them home.
She gave me the blank stare, so we left the bar but barely made it out.
A character only used to make AUs of said character. Usually, the aus are made by fans who don’t want to make a completely original character but who still want to make a character.
Person A: “this is Swap!OC, an au of OC”
Person B: “I’ve seen like 5 aus of OC, at this point they’re a blank slate character.”
spin off of breaking bad to be released in 2024.
when you fail an exam you cotinue to blankig brad
blanking brad
A Blanket that has a odor or smell from constant years of usage with out being washed , many occasions the stank blank is a baby blanket or blanket from childhood.
"Hey yo Maddie you need to wash that fucking Stank Blank of yours"
Maddie- " don't you dare talk about my blanket like that".
People often feel like their minds and their bodies are in different places. Far from an exotic experience. Many times, people's minds seem to go “somewhere else” so attention becomes disconnected from perception, and people's minds wander to times and places removed from the current environment. At other times, however, people's minds may seem to go nowhere at all—they simply disappear
When you’re blinking and it takes ages for your eyes to open again.
A : are you still awake?
B : im blinking blanks
Blanks is a word that I accidentally texted my friend instead of blanket...