Angry man but loves wholeheartedly. He’s a good man, loves Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, and Tennessee Volunteers Football. He’s an overthinker and he thinks he knows how everything works. God forbid if you don’t do it his way. He’s experienced a lot of bad so that stops him from seeing the good. He’s a believer in God and His Son Jesus. He’s skinny and worries about his size. He wishes he was bigger.
Corey Moser is a good guy, he may get angry but he’s caring and a really good friend.
Two best friends from either gender.Always laughing and have many inside jokes.Have feelings for one and other but never admit it.Part of a large group,hangs around with everyone.Troublesome together but funny.Always have each other’s back,very trustworthy.
Let’s hang out
We can’t
Let me guess Corey+Charley ?
A chunky corey is a fat or girthy penis. The chunk refers to more girth than length of the phallus.
Unlike a chode, a chunky corey still has some length to it.
Jim came round and showed me his chunky corey, he asked if he could put it in my various orifices. I exclaimed “WOW that’s not gunna fit in my little holes”.
a sexy individual with a large shlong
who likes to play ping pong with his 20 inch penis
corey andrews is such a a sexy individual with a large shlong
i wanna play ping pong with him
Someone who is a motherfucker named Franklin who gets 0 bitches and is unfunny asf. Also useless asf
Corey is being such a Corey asf
Weirdest rhyming name in the whole world
U don’t want to meet a Corey storey he will be mean to u and call u horrible names and u would wish u would have never met him
Have u heard of Corey storey he is the weirdest name in the world
Someone who watches anime and hentai excessively.
Person 1: hey you know that one dude
Person 2: yeah but he is a total Corey cook
Person 1: oh