An affliction commonly found in a millennial. It is when you are terrified of boats and cannot shower with the lights out. Also known as tremmeling Common symptoms include short arms and a love of teddy bears.
Sorry man I cannot go fishing, I have Transgressive Homo-Aquatic Terror.
A disgusting 80's, Large bow wearing Bimbo demon who lives off of pickles and Monster Energy Drinks. The Sweetest Psychopath You'll Ever Meet.
That lipstick is a Terror Krueger, It won't budge while Pickle Sucking Baphomet.
One who is afraid of the vagina.
He went on a date with woman he met on Tinder but it didn't go so swimmingly because he suffers from box terror.
Being a fucking geezer to the point that the state of Iran gets scared. Fucking pussies
I’m involved in state sponsored terrorism declared by the state of Iran
Mainland chinese that creates terror in other countries they go to
The lady knocked a pedestrian down and still acted as if it was the pedestrians fault. She was behaving like terror-nese
In Dead By Daylight, it means how close is the killer to you, until your heart starts beating.
Guys i think he is near, yup terror radius just activated, hide!
When someone attempts to sabotage your workout, your diet, or your time in a vain effort to keep you from being healthy.
P: Wow Matt, my protein shake tastes awfully fatty...did you put something extra in it? You know that could be considered Health Terrorism right?
M: No Pete you are just a douche...
P: That's bullshit you are a health terrorist!!!