A ugly bitch who likes a lot of boys she is ugly and a hoe she is a puta.
Angela Tran is a great female. You are very lucky to have a friend or girlfriend to have. She is an amazing person that cares for others. But you should check on her because she gets sad easily.
Friend 1: Yo dude who's that.
Friend 2: Dude that is Angela Tran
Friend 1: I heard she is an amazing girl
5’8 1/2, beauty girl. Large and IN CHARGE. Has a cat named LUNA. HAS A BOYFRIEND NAMED ME. Listen, I love this girl with all my life. She’s the most intelligent, smart, academically inclined, smart woman. Get yourself an Angela, oh wait, YOU CANT BC NO ONE LIKE HER EXISTS AND WILL EVER EXIST ON THIS PLANET UNTIL 2029 (we are planning to have children then). They say your woman is your life.
Mine is my blood. My word is my blood, and my blood is my bond, and my bond is my word.
Man 1 - “hey is that Angela H. walking by over there?”
Man 2 - “yeah she’s with that fucking genius Christian. Man he is so smart. I wish I could be like him. No one could ever be like him”
The UK's deputy Prime Minister.
Left school with more children than GCSEs.
Angela Rayner will ruin Britain!
Angela is an amazing female. She is genuinely so caring and beautiful. She helps you get up when you feel down. She respectful to anyone she meets and so very kind. There are no possible words to describe Angela. She is better than any word you can think of. She might be shy at first but you just need to get to know her. Angela usually has long dark/light wavy hair. Angela will never let you down and is always there when you need her. She can make you smile when you need it and can be very goofy with you if she’s comfortable. Angela also may be from your past but If you’re smart enough she could be your future. If you ever meet an Angela don't make the same mistake I made. Tell her how you truly feel and I assure you she will respond in the best way you can think of, but DON'T stop talking to her because when she gone she is gone forever.
Angela Martinez is a female that is generous, kind and caring meaning Angela is a very awesome person.
Angela is a very nice person. Everyone says she's nice probably because that's what comes at the top of the head. But, she's a very great person to know, extremely grumpy at times. If you pull her hair, or tap her more than once or twice. She can be in a good mood and you could tell but in like two seconds she could go south. Very quickly. Angela is a perfectionist so every line has to be perfect or she'll most likely be annoyed at the line and make you draw it again. She should be an artist she's very good at drawing and she has this trait were she's like I'm going to fail, I'm going to fail and she could fail or she doesn't. Her worst trait is the trait that she makes everything seem like the end of the world and she HAS NO FAITH IN ANYTHING WHAT SO EVER, which for a optimistic person is a horrible trait!
Angela Wang is a very grumpy cat.
mikiel cortez and angela, his wifey have been together from 3 years but mikey and angela both deny it every time tzuriel brings it up.
angela cortez tzuriels bully