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Indicator bollocks

Derrogatory term for people of a ginger persuasion, most commonly used in Belfast

Here, Indicator Bollocks! Sort your hair out!

by baked111 October 15, 2009

Ballas Bollocks

When a young man is suffering from two aching shriveled raisin bollocks after a night in bed with Shirley Ballas.

Sorry mate I would love to join you on the ride today but I have some serious Ballas bollocks, Shirley drained them all night.”

by Sequins11 January 7, 2025

Bitter Bollocks

A phrase commonly used to describe the cold weather outside as cold weather outside causes a male's testicles to become a lot tighter and move closer to the body. A phrase usually used when it is colder than usual this phrase describes the way a mans/boys testicles bollocks will shrivel up and become very small when cold. Every time it is cold this happens to a boy which is one of the reasons why they always have their hands down their pants. The testicles are shrivelled, tighter, harder and very cold and only warm heat will make them dangle again. The testicles correspond with the penis as the penis also shrinks and becomes a lot smaller when it is freezing or when a boy is outside in cold weather shrinkage. Basically when a boy is outside in cold weather his whole genitals are very small as a boys whole genitals shrink when they are cold but the term 'bitter bollocks' specifically relates to the testicles shrinking.

It is bitter bollocks today.

by urban_finder January 29, 2019

biggest bollocks boy

Based on the pattern of 'bumboy'. A man or a homosexual man, who has the biggest and roundest testicles in the world, with a diameter of 100 cm. Also his testicles are as big as a basketball.

Luigi: is your bollocks huge?
Mario: yes, I have the biggest testicles in the world, so many people called me 'biggest bollocks boy' and it's bigger than Bowser!!

by marcotoa January 18, 2025

Talking bollocks

Lying about an event or situation.

He’s talking bollocks. He did not burgle that shop.

by Robdog July 9, 2018

desmond bollocks

the formal version of the popular meme; deez nuts.

man: knock knock
mbn: who is there
man: des
mbn: des who
man: desmond bollocks lol
mbn: shit

by zleed May 6, 2021

Hang the bollocks out of it

When a person, normally working on an hourly rate, deliberately prolongs a task with the aim of making more money.

Old Harry has started to hang the bollocks out of it with that painting job, it’s a days work at most and he is still working on it three days later!!

by Keeno69 April 11, 2022