Source Code

Bed Number

A second number that you use for adult affairs. AKA a burner

I gave him my bed number so we could arrange to meet for a booty call.

by Naughty Nerd October 9, 2015

Number 15

Burger King foot letucce

Number 15
Burger King foot lettuce, the last thing u want in your burger King burger is someones foot

by nig nug 420 September 13, 2019

Doing numbers

A reference of one's ability to successfully coordinate the accumulation and/or distribution of units.

Kevin was really doing numbers today at the office, he successfully completed 9 projects!

Mary's website did numbers today, she made $1200 in 3 hours making fetish foot porn!

by 🐺 September 20, 2022

3👍 1👎

bone number

The number of someone who you are planning to bone.

John: Yo did you have any luck last night?
Tom: Oh Yeah man i got like 6 bone numbers

by myalias123 November 24, 2010

Number 2.5

When your standing there doing a piss and you feel a fart coming on but instead you shart yourself and now you have to sit down on the toilet to finish your shit whilst cleaning up the mess in your undies.

mate, why were you in the toilet so long?

I went in to do a piss and ended up cleaning myself up, bloody done a number 2.5 (two and a half)..

by Wayne-Car May 12, 2017

number 12


"i have a huge number 12 man"


by shopper69420 February 7, 2022

Norton's number

Norton’s number is a constant in graph theory defined as Graham’s number + 1.

Norton's number ends in an 8.

by Physi3 January 2, 2023