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A word used to describe white people.Seeing as you cannot be racist to white people it does not have the same effect as the word Nigger.Once you have suffered through years of oppression and struggled for 400+years to be able to use the same taps or ride at the front of the bus then tell me about your oppression. Racism isn't just hurt feelings smh

Girl 1: Why do black people like chicken so much?
Girl 2:Shut the fuck up you cracker.

by d.efinitions November 4, 2014

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One of Caucasian decent who is an in-the-closet-racist. Meaning that they only say their racism behind closed doors or with there friends. One who thinks by acting black is cool until they get knocked out for that because it is blatant racism. A white kid that says nigger or nigga only on Xbox Live. One who would never say it to an African- Americans face because of the consequences they would have to face. A racist white person.

Player 1 and Player 2 talking on Xbox Live:

P1: Damn I'm beastin' bruh
P2: Shit, me too. They can't see us.

Cracker who is losing: Gosh darnit black people are so ignorant.

by Denzel Young July 18, 2008

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A wafer of wheat, flour or other grain type produce generally for the purpose of eating. Commonly consumed by the ill. Also is used by black people as a reference to white people.

"That cracker had a delicious taste."

"That's the palest cracker ass white boy I ever seen!"

by Matt Noogertson March 25, 2006

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1. An acceptable or parent-friendly substitute for an expletive. 2. White people as a whole.

"Damn them crackers are funny looking. " or "Awww crackers!!!"

by LedSleddIV January 10, 2003

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- A white caucasion individual, who is mostly named by other black males and females. Called crackers way back from the 1900's because white americans named African Americans "Niggers."

"Look at dat cracker mother fucker right der"

"Letz woop his cracka ass

Black-"Look at dat cracker mother fucker right der"

Black-"Letz woop his cracker ass"

White-"Why please do not hurt me, I have children."

Black-"Fuck yo white kidz, woop his cracker ass!!

by Eric February 26, 2005

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A racist white person. Don't over generalize and assume all white people are crackers. Crackers are fraudulent, and mask their racsim in the form of seemingly light hearted corny "jokes"(most of the time, and ironically, targeted at black people). Some crackers are not afraid of being called racist, and put their prejudice out the open.

Black person:Ah. Almost time for dinner
Cracker:Well, what are you having?
Black person : Hrm. Good question. I haven't really decided yet.
Cracker:How about fried chicken, watermelon, and kool aid? trololol
Black person:I bake my chicken. Its healthier in my opinion. I like watermelon as much as any other fruit. Go watch the kool aid commercial from the 1970s on youtube. There are no black people in it. And that joke is tired and corny.

by MascotofControversy December 15, 2010

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amittance of slavery, accepting the past in a suposed derogitorive way, but in reality giving pride to deep southern folks

So now calling most whites crackers, is like saying, "I admit you are in control of me. Please don't beat me again!"

by ~*Chrisite*~ March 1, 2006

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