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Love Drug

The drug where a guy loves a girl so much its like a drug.

Ben loved Valerie. He was on the "Love Drug"

by imjustarandybob May 19, 2013

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Hard Drugs

Hard Drugs are anything hard on the body.
They are moderately to highly addictive substances. These substances usually have a high overdose rate. Most of them are laced with other substances. These drugs tend to cause people to throw away their lives.
Drugs include: Meth, Crack,Heroin, fentanyl, flakka,bath salts, opiates, nitrous oxide or whippets.

Homeless man: do you have any Hard Drugs?
Dealer: No man only your party enhancers

by Mysticjigsaw97 June 12, 2019

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drug spam

N. Upon allowing a drug dealer to borrow one’s phone for five minuets, the three day borage of text messages received, informing owner of phone the current drug prices in a spam-like fashion, boasting deals like fire mids for 110 all day, qp for 400. I can get u dat for 375 now. Yo yo yo man 300 im desperate, 9 pills of e only 60, going to prison sale, everything must go.

"tell that heroin addict to stop drug spamming me, i dont need any candy flip is."

"I'm never letting sneedles use my phone again, i got like five text messages when i was sleeping from a bunch of crack heads."

"Sneedles you piece of shit i keep getting drug spam every time you touch my phone."

"Get a real phone so i stop getting drug spam you sneedlely piece of shit."

by sneedle beast December 3, 2007

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Drug Rug

A hooded sweatshirt typically made of thick cotton or hemp material. Such a sweatshirt is often associated with 420 or Weed culture, since they are most often worn by heavy marijuana users.

"Woah, that stoner is rocking a gnarly Drug Rug."

by ManGirlwhhaaat January 20, 2012

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nostril drugs

Any substances which are insufflated (snorted into the nose cavity), usually recreational drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines.

I sometimes smoke cannabis and sniff poppers now and then, but I never do nostril drugs.

by Kendal Boy March 7, 2008

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smart drugs

Prescription narcotic cognitive enhancing drugs taken in pill form or crushed and snorted. they are used to boost concentration and improve memory. Up to 25 per cent of American students are using them to help with studying and to improve grades. Many colleges and universities are questioning the ethical issues and risks associated with taking these drugs.

Adderall, modafinil and adrafinil are most common and are now as easy to obtain as a copy of β€œFifty Shades of Grey.”

Students seeking a competitive edge on their finals will pop some smart drugs.

also known as: study buddies, brain steroids

by justcuze January 19, 2013

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Lifestyle Drug

A drug that is used to treat a non-fatal illness such as ADD, Depression, baldness, or even acne. Especially used in the context of mood-lifters or increased focus drugs.(derogatory)

Prozac and Ritalin are lifestyle drugs

by Syd.Thomas April 18, 2007

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