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believed to popularize loudmicing on discord and band 4 band went by ego or BetterKeepEgo or @egorelives

that kid ego upped fourty-thousand dollars

by bruteforced August 14, 2023


V. To ignore on purpose, usually causing aura loss especially in front of the huzz

John: Amy do you have plans this weekend?
Amy: *Doesn't respond*
Jack: You just got egoed dude

by BertrudeYT February 19, 2025


It can kill you but it can build you.

'Sure would be good to have that big ego of yours...'

by outcasted truth January 23, 2022


An excuse for you to be dismissive.

Hym "You can literally say ANYTHING is the ego in an attempt to redirect my behavior. Which is what makes your entire practice fraudulent. You're absolute garbage. I can't wait to find out how many of your patients have killed themselves."

by Hym Iam April 7, 2024


I can be better than you, you corrupt piece of shit.

Hym "Jordan Peterson has surpassed Jung says Eric Weinstein. No the fuck he has not. The ego on these freaks is insane. You did not surpassed Jung simply by obfuscating what constitutes 'real' or 'true' and equivocating 'God' with 'Any higher order abstraction that motivates behavior.' Ridiculous."

by Hym Iam November 22, 2024


Your ego is your sense of self-esteem or confidence. People with a moderate size ego tend to be confident and proud of their accomplishments.

"His moderate ego made him feel proud of himself."

by King Cobraaa February 10, 2021


Someone who think’s WAY too fondly of themselves.

You have such a fucking ego, shut up.

by disturb May 29, 2021