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Foreskin Cornucopia

When someone doesn't wash for weeks or months to the point where it looks like a Cornucopia but instead of the fruit its good o'l Smegma chunks

Yo i sucked Neal's cock last night and he had so much shit in his foreskin it looked like a Foreskin Cornucopia

by Justtrash21 March 9, 2020

Mongolian Foreskin Lengthening

Mongolian Foreskin Lengthening : An ancient Mongolian technique used for pleasure OR as a battle tool to help act as a human lasso to detain their enemies; This is performed by gathering as much skin as possible and tying it with a string in which is pulled for three hours each day for two weeks; Modern day people may perform this to use as a noose or a waist band.

Mongolians: Good thing we used our Mongolian Foreskin Lengthening, we captured 500 men!

Modern: Did you hear the news? An 8 year old boy used the Mongolian Foreskin Lengthening to kill himself. How tragic.

by Footjober February 17, 2025

Foreskin pulling

When you and a woman are having intercourse and her vagina is so tight it pulls of your foreskin from your penis and you feed it to her as punishment

Owww babe my foreskin you know what whore eat it- foreskin pulling

by Gooneredgertoilet January 14, 2025

Foreskin Forensics

Close and meticulous examination of the foreskin for evidence of disease, rash, markings, unfaithfulness etc.

Mary has a PhD in Foreskin Forensics. Do not ever think of going back from a meeting with a "secret friend" without washing your foreskin. She will find even the tiniest amount of lipstick or other foreign substance on your prick.

by Wee Wee Willie Winkie April 13, 2023

Porky foreskin

After a few butt chugs on the back 40, you play the golf simulator with a gerbil bluegilling peeking out from you anus

Dude, i cant wait to get me some porky foreskin on sunday. #porky4skin for life

by 2chainsmcCains February 14, 2021

Porky foreskin

After a few butt chugs on the back 40, you play the golf simulator with a gerbil bluegilling peeking out from you anus

Dude, i cant wait to get me some porky foreskin on sunday. #porky4skin for life

by 2chainsmcCains February 14, 2021

Foreskin Bacon

To be someone whom is acting like a muppet

Mike Tyson: yo jake your acting like a foreskin bacon
Jake Paul: ay shush before I knocked you tf out.
Mike Tyson: exactly what I me

by Ryan. De Ieso January 24, 2025