Source Code

Fuckin stoops

Fuckin stoops means to modernise the English language to try and be cool whilst dumbing down the nation

Fuckin stoops has translated my need for water because I am thirsty into a need to have sex

by Teri-Lee May 3, 2018

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fuckin' douche

A person place or thing being referred to as, insulted as, or called by as for purposes of emotional release, comedy, or slang meaning that the mentioned person place or thing has the qualities of a "douche" or "douche bag", fuckin' usually gives emphasis on the expression. Douche bag- bag that holds or contains douche. Douche- Cleansing one's vaganina with a douche kit, the kit itself, or the liquid cleanser used or not for the douche.......

You fuckin' douche, give me a blow job. Female: "Ahhh that was the best fuckin' douche ever!" YOU FUCKIN' DOUCHE, I WANT SEX!

by Dr. Do Ouche November 29, 2005

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Ass, Fuckin'

Really Really Good

"That is some good ass, fuckin' chicken"

by stuckincuba November 29, 2009

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fuckin queer

Corey Charles

Look at that fuckin queer over there

by John weslord December 29, 2016

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fuckin cumming

Something to do to piss people off.

Guy 1: Hey Brian guess what?
Brian: What?
Guy 1: I fuckin cummed!!!
Brian: You faggot shut the hell up

by johnny June 19, 2004

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Fuckin Hot

When a woman look so fine her body like an art piece on the street at new york city, typically but not always a working girl.

Yes, she Fuckin Hot, her boobs her waist feck her but her eyes, damn... I want to owns am piece of that. Should I ask her out?

by ='srtrx September 1, 2019

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fuckin persians

A non specific slur generalizing all people of a brown skin tone.
A general hatred for all people of Indo-European decent, any shade inbetween black and white not including the two sides of the scale e.g. paki's
To put someone down, to call them weak and underprivileged.

I hate those fuckin persians- said by a moron that cant decipher between race's.

to someone who lives on the street and eats bubblegum out of bins- look at that fuckin persian.

by burka burners yo August 28, 2009

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