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the coolest person you'll ever meet. kind of a spaz but super fun to hang out with and chill when need be. he is amazing at minecraft and is super good lookinh

harley is cool

by terpurdedum September 5, 2021


Either the gayest person or the whitest person you will ever meet.

If you ain't white and your name is Harley, I'd look into the second option, hun.

by CharlotteDrawws September 17, 2022


Is an amazing boy who has had it rough but managed to stay so positive and fun through it all he always smiles and is so amazing to be around, he deserves the world

Who’s that tall guy with the curly hair. Oh! That’s my Harley

by That_insane_duck June 22, 2022


The snazzyest person to exist.

Harley has a big penis.

by hxrley.hg January 31, 2022


SMiilez nice and is coool never takes shit from no one

Harley is nic

by Jordan fishstickz December 8, 2020


He or she is an amazing dancer and is going to be famous one day. They have a passion for sport but they do like to drink. No matter what they do they have to be the best.

Did you know he did the best on the test
“He done a total ‘Harley’”

by Jimmy xyalaphone November 23, 2021


Harley is a beautiful girl with gorgeous blue eyes and a smile that can light up a room. She is caring and smart, always standing up for those she loves. She cares about her family and her friends more than she does herself. She is shy, but once she opens up you are stuck with her forever because she will never trust anyone the way she does you. She will always love you for you and never expect you to change, and if you ever meet her, and ever get lucky enough to call her yours, she will be the light of your life. She is everything worth fighting for in the world, so once you have her, never let her go.

"Harley is the most perfect woman in the world!"

by hc068 March 10, 2022