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Hobo Honey

Seemingly normal woman or girl, who seems to attract tramps, beggars and other scruffy types.

I went out for a fag and a a tramp kissed me! Why do i get all the weirdos?" "That's 'cos you're a hobo honey

by deviantAPPLE March 25, 2011

Hobo dollars

Hobo dollars are the definition of EBT card usage and also food stamps or snap cards. Instead of real cash they go for 50% of their value on the street. They are also known as food stamps.

Yo bitch you won't even spend $3 on a monster with your hobo dollars.

Can I borrow your hobo dollars to get a gas station hamburger and microwave it there to get the system over?

Stop spending your hobo dollars on losers who can't even fill out a food stamps application.

You filled out the application and got the landlord form, you earned them hobo dollars straight up.

He's so lazy he can't even go to social services and get hobo dollars

by Overeducatedunderachievinglose August 10, 2020

hobo flow

1) hair comparable to that of a homeless person

2) rapping skills that won't pay the bills

1) dude, chester just emerged from his 36 hour study sesh with some serious hobo flow

2) t-dawg's shit is so weak, he's got mad hobo flow

by goodmanwednesday April 22, 2010

Hobo Baggins

A Hobitt without hole.

Suzewise Grungay was down on her luck. She just got evicted from her hole, and was not looking forward to her life as a Hobo Baggins.

by Bad News Bond July 27, 2016

hobo dinner

When you shit into a square of tinfoil and wrap it up and leave it on someone's doorstep, conversely you could also leave it in the fire while camping with friends. Really it can be left anywhere: the inside of a hot car in the middle of summer, under the kitchen sink, under a bed anywhere that it can be found.

Friend #1: Steve left me a hobo dinner last night, the bastard!
Friend #2: Don't you like free food?
Friend #1: He shit into a piece of tinfoil!

by Migrantraven3200 November 23, 2016

Employed Hobo

Employed Hobo: A new social class that originated in the United States of America. With an all but mythological middle class vanishing, a new class has been formed. Employed Hobos are in a quasi class of being employed yet "homeless" for all intents and purposes. Never truely owning anything besides their clothes, everything is rented because of low wages and price inflation. Their only true possesions, clothes, tend to be hand me downs, clothes they have had for at least a decade and still in use or aquired from thrift stores, garage sales and flea markets.

Look at John, an Employed Hobo. He's still wearing shirts he bought from Mervyn's ten years ago. He rents everything, his TV, car, apartment and even the toaster. He will never make enough to get out of the cycle of working to work.

by Dogler February 20, 2014

hobo sanctuary

a sacred, garbage filled place where hobos from around the globe will come to worship their holy cardboard box idol.

"You prick! There is no hobo sanctuary, you just made it up."
"Fuck you, I've been there!"

by Hosex November 2, 2007