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Pig's ear

Pig's ear, slang for beer.

Jon, while your up mate get us a 'Pig's ear'.

by SteveV November 15, 2007

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AirPod ear

A form of cauliflower ear, but instead it’s caused by sleeping on your side with AirPods in, which exerts pressure on the external auditory meatus and can cause painful swelling. Can also be caused by simply wearing AirPods in for ungodly amounts of time. Despite the pain, most victims still keep on wearing their AirPods. All attempts by others to get the victims to reduce their AirPod use usually prove futile.

Clementine: Jezis Chroist m8, wots tha nahsty swellin in ya eh-oh

Danny Drinkwater: oh it’s nuffin reallay, just a bit of AirPod ear

by Shattered heavens June 11, 2020

flap ear

Large, protruding ear; from the Dutch 'flaporen' or flap ears, also known as 'zeiloren' which literally means 'sail ears'

flap ears to sail with

by Tzeni July 14, 2006

Knife ear

A derogatory term for Elves in fantasy settings, in reference to an elf’s pointy ears. A favorite word amongst dwarves.

May also be known as “The K-Word” to those who don’t wish to say the slur out loud…

Dwarf: That does it! I’m gonna say the K-Word!

Elf: Don’t you dare! It will set our people’s relations back centuries!!

Dwarf: Shut up, you bloody KNIFE EAR!!

by Sova357 September 8, 2023

Donut Ear

A person with one or more large, stretched piercings, most often in the ear lobe that resembles a donut.

Sometimes referred to as gauges.

Woah, that guy's donut ears are so big I could use it as a cigarette holder!

by AnonNemo August 29, 2012


Handle-Ears are ears that are so big you could hold on to them for stability whilst completing tasks such as receiving a boost over a fence, or riding during sex.

This is caused by an anomaly during conceiving the child.

I couldn't gain stability whilst I was riding Kyle, so I just held on to his Handle-Ears instead!

by Half-Nut May 7, 2020

Cotton ears

When you get so high that your hearing becomes muffled

Man it feels like I have cotton mouth, but in my ears. I have cotton ears.

by Pieceofbitch December 23, 2018