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Not all Kaylee's are like this, but the one I know is.

Kaylee is a dramatic, crazy, and energetic person. Though still a great friend! She usually looks on the bright side of things, and is very sweet, but it can be had for her to forgive people most of the time. If you were sad, she's the type of person who would tell you a joke to make you feel better. If you were self-conscious, she would tell you most people are whatever your self-conscious about, so it's okay! She's pretty loyal to most people but loves starting drama.

Kaylee is a good friend<3

by comfortxcrowd_:3 February 2, 2025


Kaylee can be chill at times but is also a mask fish, like super hard mask fish, she is also a psychopath that will quite literally hunt you down and press charges on you even at a middle school level for breaking her heart.

Me: Kaylee I don't wanna be friends anymore
Kaylee: Man I hate you imma manipulate your feelings and press charges on you now!

by TornadoToes April 21, 2022


A girl who loves the colour red. Like… seriously obsessed.

She loves red roses, blood, knives, etc.
She’s really crazy but occasionally has a soft spot. When she likes something it’s an obsession.

“Wow that girl must have a pain kink or something! Why does she love blood so much?!”

“She must be a Kaylee.”

by Kai Yu February 10, 2022


Kaylee is the most beautiful person you’ll ever meet, and I mean truly a stunner. She’s also a SAVAGE and is not afraid to speak her mind. Kaylee is extremely loyal to her family and friends, and has great taste in fashion (but not always men). Kaylee loves to smoke and chill, and often runs on no sleep and white claws. Kaylee is always there for you. She will make you laugh for hours and always touches your heart. Kaylee pronounces Louisville as “lowvool”- never correct her.. you’ve been warned.

Bro you said to turn on lowvool? You must be a Kaylee.

by Madrebs October 28, 2021


A Kaylee or Kaileigh is a girl who in her life has had multiple sexual partners, daddy issues and is undiagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. She usually gets with many males regardless of how they look to fill a void that her dad left. She usually has colored hair (most likely pink) with an abundance of face piercings and tattoos. Typically a very good looking female, but most likely carries some venereal disease likely herpes from one of her multiple partners. Obsessed with shows like sailor moon and hello kitty and wastes all her money buying merch from her favorite shows.

Guy 1: Damn! That girl is hot! How'd he get with her? He's an ugly loser!

Guy 2: Don't feel bad bro. She's a Kaylee. She'll have a new bf next week.

by Grim Grymes December 28, 2023


a very sexy girl and horny person. period.

I wanna fuuuucking fuck kaylee so hard.

by wanker69420 March 25, 2022


A bad built female with big titties and no ass. And she thinks she’s gangster

Lisa: why is that loud girl throwing up unrecognizable gang signs built like the letter P?

Jack: idk but her name is Kaylee and she’s bad built

by Yallneedtosittfdown August 19, 2021