Source Code

Patience is key

Patience is key. When you rush you may not succeed.

Nonono don't rush, patience is key.

by Feefeeil March 12, 2021

F25 key

The F25 key is extremely dangerous. If you press the F25 key, you will be obliterated into the 125th dimension, which is actually a tardis according to some sources. One known victim of the F25 key is an unknown girl, who pressed it and then was never found again.

Girl: Are you ready for this? Promise not to tell. I'm gonna hit the F25 key, get ready!-
*gets obliterated into the 125th dimension*

by upseguest April 17, 2023

Schrodinger's Keys

When car keys are misplaced, their location is unknown as well as their non-location. Therefore, they exist as a wave function in all locations which collapses upon observation of the keys following The Heisenberg-Schrodinger Lost Key Postulate. Which also hypothesized that you cannot simultaneously know the locations something isn't and not know where it is.

That party was wild, lost my keys but I found them in the FREEZER this morning! You really dont know where your keys aren't till you find them, totally like Schrodinger's Keys!!!

by aalh November 12, 2014

stuck key

A derogatory term describing some one who doesn't have their thoughts together. Term may have originated from the first users of electric typewriters, computer jargon.

Old man Johnny has a stuck key and is a half bubble off when he starts talking nonsense and repeating himself like that.

I just can't seem to keep my ducks in a rowwwwwww anymore.

by Mt^Top March 7, 2011

Bruh Key

The term used in an intimate exchange when one is so. right.

โ€œMom, these sliders are so goodโ€
โ€œBruh keyโ€

by Hammertimebammertime April 12, 2023

Key Light

Beer of choice for many students living in Pennsylvania: Keystone Light

Let's get a case of Key Light and drink it at my house tomorrow.

by no one you kno December 16, 2005

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E Key


It's a hotkey in the game Team Fortess 2, which makes your character yell "MEDIC!" as loud as he could.

It's also the one key that medics hope you break one day.

xXFaZe SnIpErXx (Voice): MEDIC!
Noob (Voice): MEDIC!
Kill Me (Voice): MEDIC!
One-Man Cheeseburger Apocalypse (Voice): MEDIC!
Ribs Grow Back (BLU Medic): i hope ur e key breaks...

by Texting Error November 5, 2017

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