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Sticky Korean

When you finish on someone’s face and then pull their eyes to make them slanted.

I sticky koreaned Sarah.

by Banni78 May 13, 2023

North Korean Rule

also known as "North Korean Law" a rule that is not very lenient and restricts people from doing many things

California has a lot of North Korean rules

by TokenIranian August 6, 2016

North Korean Bum Disease

This is when your bum swells up really badly and can cause huge pain. Its caught from smelling the farts of someone who already has North Korean Bum Disease. Can be treated with around 2 years of bum supplements.

Went to North Korea for a quick fuck, hope I don't catch North Korean Bum Disease.

by BumDisease101 April 6, 2018

korean merry-go-round

The gathering of men (usually around 6 or more) where one individual is laid face down, double cheek up, on the ground pants-less. Another man inserts his penis into the anus of the prone man and then is spun around like a merry-go-round, using his penis as the fulcrum.

The spin cycle doesn't complete until all men of ejaculated.

Safewords are casually used as the spinning man will be in immense penile pain..

Hey dudes, wanna go out back and have ourselves an old fashioned korean merry-go-round?

by SlightRacism April 7, 2020

North Korean slip and slide

It is when N.KOREA leader (kim jong fat fuck)slips and falls on his ass in the rain, eating shit.

Did you hear, DICKtator Kim Jong Un did a North Korean slip and slide over the weekend?he ate total shit!

by aussie man name jaun hernandez September 10, 2020

Korean Cookout

A BBQ party where food is cooked based on the timing of guests' arrival. The raw and marinated food is laid out, and as guest arrive they throw whatever they like on the grill and cook it till it is ready to eat. This way the food does not get cold, and the party host is not responsible for "manning" the grill.
Hence the term "Korean" - just like in Korean BBQ restaurants where the raw meat is cooked at the table per the patrons liking.


Person 1: AYO! Am I late for the BBQ? How come the food is not cooked?

Person 2: Allister's having a Korean Cookout foo. The food is on the table. Go cook your own food.

Person 1: Aww Yeah self-service!

by CLK500 March 30, 2012

korean baby

Usually a fat caucasian kid with pencil thin eyelids who may or may not eat cats

Wow you look like a korean baby

by ALLAHUAKBARRRRRR February 6, 2018