The meaning of life is what you make of it!
Girl: "What's the meaning of life."
Girl 2: "It's what you make of it."
He who is meaner than most daily.
Reid is mj2med; you are a mean jerk
A savvy person's correct interpretation of what a two-faced public OFFICIAL (policeman, politician, etc) truly MEANS by a seemingly harmless/helpful/conciliatory remark.
Hall monitor, to delinquent student whom he is chasing: "I just want to talk to you."
"Official" meaning (what "The Book" states that the security guard supposedly means): "I'm not going to detain or even lay a hand on you --- I merely wish to verbally ask you what your issues are, sympathetically discuss them with you, and try to help you find a solution that will be palatable to all concerned parties."
Official meaning (what the dude with the badge is really saying): "You're in big trouble, kid --- I don't give a rat's ass what you say or how innocent you are; I'm gonna slap da cuffs on you and put you in detention! It's how I get my rocks off."
Delinquency-hearing board-member, to an under-review adolescent who is peering uncertainly around the meeting-room door: "Come on in and sit down, young man --- we don't bite."
"Official" meaning: "You have noithng to fear from us, son --- we're totally fair and just, and we only wish to hear your case and decide appropriate discipline, if any."
Official meaning: "We fat cats around this table are all in cahoots, and we enjoy makiing things warm for 'unpopular' youngsters like you. We practically have the power of life or death over you, and we gleefully use that power, too."
For a man, the meaning of life is to bust your nut into as many asses as possible.
For a woman, the meaning of life is to find the best nut you can and put it into your ass.
I have achieved the meaning of life.
-Don Juan
I have failed to achieve the meaning of life.
-Oprah Winfrey
Is to find virgin faithful true love in each other forever and don’t be with no one else and love each out greatly as best as possible and the real meaning of love not what you think love is. And to Worship and thank ABSOLLUTE ALLMIGHTY GOD THE CREATOR OF ALL as much as possible for this love he bless you with
The meaning of life is always seek out alone and always fail to reach a trillion times over.