Source Code

mental breakdown

something I'm having rn

1: damn why won't this mental breakdown go away

2: ikr

by JunnyJun July 25, 2021

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The Mental Movie

What God intended us to beat off to. The imagination; the mind's eye. Before spank movies made it obsolete, the mental movie was all people had: shutting their eyes tight, folks in bygone epochs envisaged hot, breathless fucks with acquaintances they passed on cobbled streets. Today, some still employ the mental movie, especially when away from their computers--in an isolated bathroom stall, a fitting room, the woods, etc., the fancy can still be relied on to do the trick when called upon.

Arthur slipped into the dank alley off Goodman St., having just seen Nora in a blue mini-skirt and tank top walking out of the department store. He leaned against the dumpster, glancing about him to be sure he was alone. Nora's sweet Alabama accent, her blue eyes, the superb abundance of her breasts, her chiseled legs: all these mingled in his mind as he cranked his now bare cock with abandon. His brain went blank and he came. He breathed a deep breath: "Nothing like the mental movie sometimes," he muttered.

by Cunning Linguist 28 July 22, 2011

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mental plinko

Mental Plinko is used to define the path taken by a thought through your mind from one topic to another, seemingly unrelated, topic.

"Sorry I just spaced out there for a second. When you mentioned your car troubles I had a bit of a mental plinko. First I thought of cars, then I thought of those little air fresheners that hang on the mirror, that led me to thinking about smells in general, and then I remembered that horrible fart you ripped off in the cafe the other day."

by EgoAnt November 24, 2004

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mental retardation

Effect of listening to one of George W Bush's state of the union address's.

John: Hey Fred, where's Tom?

Fred: He was sent to a crazy house.

John: What? Why?

Fred: He watched one of George W Bush's speeches and came down with a case of mental retardation.

John: Oh.

by jokemonkey February 4, 2008

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mental freeze

what you know about rolling down

when your brain goes numb you call that a mental freeze

by feet sniffer August 13, 2021

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mentally ill

Someone who suffers from a mental disorder and delusions of grandeur. Someone who has lost touch with reality. Could be just depressed but rans the gammit from depression to schizophrenia.

Man, that Mike Rehmeyer is mentally ill. He's 34, lives at home, has no college education and nothing going for him yet he thinks he's Prince Charles.

by arfed February 12, 2008

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Mental Vasectomy

Watching or listening to something that makes your balls hurt just from thinking about it

Paul - "yesterday I watched this video where some guy shoved a screwdriver up his penis!!"

Don - "dude, shut up, you're giving me a mental vasectomy"

by Ulysses H. Ficus February 1, 2011

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