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albion michigan

60% of people living in Albion are drug users. There are no schools open in Albion, K-12 go to Marshall Public Schools. There is still an Albion college.

Albion Michigan is a poor community with small houses, many drug dealers live here.

by Michiganian June 16, 2017

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Jackson Michigan

Jackson Michigan the place you go to to get carjacked brutally robbed by 4 dudes in trashy baggy clothes with 1 hi point an 3 glock 9s with all the fentanyl an shootings u can surprisingly rent a shitty condemned house for 750, all the stds u should wrap your Willy your baby daddy still not paying child support, yo baby mama not shit fuckin yo homies while your Locked up for intent to sell, shitty cars with 24s just know you can smoke the best weed in Michigan while chillin at your favorite parking lot stores include dollar general an Walmart with all the wanksta white kids just know there is a huge gang presence in the town mostly bd an gd 5630 while no one works cause there’s no good paying jobs there is a lot of local rappers including 5630 emar, Tez, niko castellano an a lot more overall Jackson is declining very fast an is the most dangerous small town in Michigan an heading to the worse top 5 really soon

Jackson Michigan

by Tyrell reeves March 18, 2022

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luther michigan

a small town in northern michigan derived from a small logging villiage. in short its small (pop around 200) but its kick ass. luther logging days. every truck around comes down the street (like 3 or 4 lol) and the nice firemen throw candy at little kids. the useual parade shinannigans. but yeah the fireworks are sweet, no restrictions so they blast away, plus everyone sits on main street and they launch the works from the dam which is like not even a football field away. the littel ashes that fall off the fireworks fall on the street. next to cadillac, manistee, and oswego(os-WEE-go)

A: where are you going over break
B: up north
A: where, im going to mackinaw city (the city is spelled mackinaw not mackinac(pronounced exactly like the cities spelling, the c is silent))
B: fun, im going to luther michigan
A: wtf are you talking about
B: thought so

by falcon33b March 13, 2009

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Hale, Michigan

Crossroads town above the thumb in Michigan. Little more than a blinking light, a store and a bar where all the locals can be found. Hale's bar features a unique custom, no matter what beer one orders, the bar maid draws alternately from either the Schlitz or Pabst Blue Ribbon tap. Locals apparently cannot distinguish between the two nor between both and all other beverages.

"When you are in Hale, Michigan you can drink some Schlitz and get the shits."

by Once a vistor to Hale August 26, 2011

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Michigan Handshake

A blow job from someone you met very recently, especially when from a white woman.

Christine: "What happened with the cute guy from the bar last night?"
Mara: "We finished our drinks and he walked me back to my car. I had fun though, so I gave him a firm Michigan Handshake."

by habanegro May 28, 2015

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Michigan Choco Taco

After the woman takes a massive dump she wipes back to front leaving a little "extra something" on her vagina, then runs outside jumps in the snow and runs back inside so you can eat it while it's still cold. "Michigan Choco Taco"

I missed the ice cream truck yesterday so that hot girl Shawna gave me a "Michigan Choco Taco" to hold me over.

by LK411 February 28, 2021

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Michigan speed limit

The speed at which a cop won't pull you over in Michigan. Usually 5-10mph over the posted speed limit on main roads and 15-20mph over the posted speed limit on highways. If you don't maintain this speed you will have a line of cars behind you, each within three feet of the car in front of them. If you feel like driving under the posted speed limit and the weather conditions are anywhere near decent, then you better just pull over and let people pass you.

Mike: Hey dude, you're going way too fast, slow it down.
Nick: Naw it's alright, the Michigan speed limit on this road is 65.
Mike: Yeah I know, but you're doin' 90.
Nick: Oh. Yeah I should probably back off.

by WastingDaylight August 5, 2010