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Chloe Nickell

Does Dance. Mediocre. That's it.

She is Chloe Nickell

by Whitetoothpick14 November 6, 2020

Quaker Nickel

A long passionate kiss with someone you are extremely sexually attracted too but not yet in a full relationship with

He gave her a quaker nickel at the end of their first date

by Sweet Juls August 25, 2009

Nickel Fish

Picking up every available overtime shift and pretending it’s to help everyone else

Bedinghaus is a real Nickel Fish. He’s always at work

by Gilps May 18, 2022

Nickel to tickle a pickle

If a guy gives you a nickel you know what to do ;)

Guy: hey u wanna a nickel girl: ok... guy : uhh what are y- HEY so umm why did u just tickle my pickle cuz u gave me a nickel so nickel to tickle a pickle duh

by Aaron rawr man November 8, 2019

Wooden Nickel Digger

An individual who is attempting to be a gold digger, but has mistakenly targeted a charlatan.

“Damn, that dumb ass ho bag wooden nickel digger gunna be real disappointed when that shitbag, pseudo-lawyer hands her Soviet era toilet paper to wipe that cum off her chin.

by Johnny Goldmember October 11, 2021

Fart Nickel Butt

When you fart and theres a nickel up your butt

Bruzz1: "Theres A nickel in my butt and I just farted"
Bruzz 2 "Are you Nickel Butt farting rn?"
Huzz: Hawk Tuah!

Fart Nickel Butt

by FartNikelButter December 29, 2025

Two nickels

A phrase used to describe an oddly specific scenario that has happened before. A shorthand reference to the now famous line from Dr. Doofenshmirtz in Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension. Can be used as the full quote, a “two nickels moment”, or simply “two nickels”.

“If I had a nickel for every time I was doomed by a puppet I’d have two nickels; which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?”

by ninclemdo August 6, 2023