Bad ass bear wrestler mexica killing throwing knife
Rob skrypek is a bad ass
This is used to describe a way to smoke marijuana, when you wanna break out that new peace pipe you got except you really can't shove all the stuff in that undersized hole, and don't wanna try and make it bigger, so there is a solution. The Rob Solution.
Step 1: Roll a joint. Nice and tight.
Step 2: Shove it into the top.
Step 3: Light it up (the top end of the joint)
Step 4: Well, you know how it works.
(too fat of a join may not work, and may have to relight half-way, but it does work)
Dude 1: Dude, I wanted to break out the new peace pipe I got in Arizona last spring break, but I can't seem to work it.
Dude 2: Dude, just use The Rob Method...
...later in the week....
Dude 1: Dude!! It totally worked!
When you get robbed and the only thing you can find missing is the cheapest thing in your house.
Yeah last night I got Ghetto Robbed, all they took was my sons crayons.
Man I think we were just dank robbed my buds gone! I'm
Ordering something at a cheap price.
Yo, Polo was selling this new hoodie, and I got that shit at Robbing Price
Someone who smells really pungent and always has his ass crack out when he bends over
"Did you see that guy that just walked past?"
"Yeah he was smelly, must of been a stagnant rob"
A little smelly boy who has smurf hair and really big eyes
Rob snob is also known as ron