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what happens when you assume

you make an ass of Ume

Person 1: Well, I assumed, ok?!
Person 2: You know what happens when you assume...
Person 2: You make an ass out of U and me.
Person 3: Why you gotta be so mean to Ume??
Person 1: Shut the FUC

by unipen January 2, 2023

It’s Wednesday in Lisbon, is there anything fun happening?

ITS WEDNESDAY the 24th of January my dudes!

That means ONE THING and ONE THING only...........

The Lisbon Sun Setters Celebration Party 🎉🎉🎉

But what are the details of "It’s Wednesday in Lisbon, is there anything fun happening?” I hear you ask:

🏐 Start Time = 5 pm (Bar is open from 4 pm)

🏐Details = There will be MUSIC, FINGER FOOD AND most importantly... it is situated on the ROOFTOP terrace of the Sunset Destination Hostel

🏐Address = Praça Duque da Terceira, 1200-161 Lisboa

Put on your dancing shoes and come and join us for a celebration of the Lisbon sun setters. We have lots to be excited for in 2024 and can’t wait to share it with you all <333

by The Greatest Event of All Time January 24, 2024

can't happen to me mentality

More of a phrase than a word but still symbolic in everyone's life.
It is a time in which you thought your parent couldn't die or you could never be that guy.

Person 1.) Hey how's your dad
Person 2.) He passed away and my life seams completely different.
Person 1.) Gotta ditch that "can't happen to me mentality" or it'll hurt your game.

by Batterybob June 9, 2021

What happens when your losing air

So if youve been a good boy, when you start losing air yeah, the angels come down from the heavens and tickle your balls, but if youve been a bad boy they come down and give you a vagina.

so on tuesday i got my balls tickled by an angel What happens when your losing air

by i love mi balls tickled June 5, 2021

That will happen when pigs fly

A saying that once meant something would never happen. Rendered obsolete with the advent of the police helicopter.

“Cops aint gonna catch us, that will happen when pigs fly!”
“Bro the police helicopter is listening, shut up”

by Wypipo whisperer August 22, 2019