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Derogatory term for a promiscuous female.

Fred: That open-box has been with everyone in town!


Matt: He didn't have enough packaging to fill the open-box.

by M. Gaffney September 2, 2007

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Open The Door

Term used to shout at ongoer when locked inside of a car and high, not knowing how to escape. The word then becomes "Open The Damn Door" when the ongoer is also high, attempting to open the door and failing miserably.

Nick: "JASON! Open The Door!!!"
Jason: "DHAKDSLNASNAK Im Trying!"
Dillon: "Open The Damn Door!"
Nick: "Im falling!"

by Nickeatsbabies February 20, 2010

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delicate opening

A slit, vagina, pussy, jazzy hole, beaver, pocket, squirrel, hairy mound, hole.

"He touched my delicate opening and it felt so fine!"

by Sierra_Sue August 20, 2005

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get open

to run quickly, or sprint, after something or away from something. Synonomous with "dip".

Man you better get open it closes in five minutes! (running to the corner store)

by DJ Manifesto November 2, 2006

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open the floodgates

Verb-To bring forth an epic revolution of social justice and freedom of culture.

MAN: God, society is in hell, the impious rule the streets and devils rule the heavens1

GOD: Stand back, for I shall open the floodgates

by Waters-Serenade December 5, 2010

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arse opener

An exceptionally large penis capable of splitting an asshole wide open.

Check out Tommy's dick. It's a real arse opener.

by Bobo Shantoya June 7, 2010

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a state of wakefulness; being awake or sleepless.

As I was under stress, I had to while away the whole night in open-eye.

by uttam maharjan June 27, 2011

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