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OK i know this isn't a definition but tomorrow i have physics exams and its 9 pm and i still haven't studied pls help me istg u send help ill love u forever.It is literally so hard we are learning about distance and stupid stuff and i have an exam tomorrow and i need to learn like 100 more definitions .Ill probably study until 10 pm THEN ILL SLEEP IDC and ill wake up aty 5 and study for another 2 hours until it becomes 7.Wish me luck and dont let this definition floop because i swear to god .ok anyways byeee. btw ily millie bobby brown -alexia

omg i have a physics exam tomorrow and still havent studied

by lasforever December 21, 2020


Spicy maths

When you think about it physics is just spicy maths.

by WillWisGAY March 15, 2019


The science of observing the affects of gravity, radiation (can be found in any fast food store) etc...
A way to demonstrate physics is walking up to a random person and punching them in the face, the result you should get is them falling to the ground, if they do not prepare to have their fist embeded into your face.

Guy: whats that mark on your face?
Other guy: Oh I demonstrated physics to my friend.

by us3r 14 July 13, 2022



student: "physics is magic"
teacher goes into a fit of rage

by Clzb October 9, 2023


if something falls, it eventually hits the ground.

"it hit the ground cuz physics like wtf"

by Zefe Zöner March 13, 2021


girl what the fuck

physics gives me anxiety

by prolly the girl u hate October 13, 2021


Physics physics physics, physics physics. PHYSICS. I hope you're jotting this down

Oh no I dropped my wallet. Thanks, physics

by a better turtle January 2, 2020