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Term used in the military meaning “Person Other than Grunt

Motor Transport Operator: Man I love my job
Grunt: Fu**ing POG

by JustHelpinUout May 8, 2021


Pog, the best word in history and mankind, it can be used in amny situations, like if u get fired, just say.. pog! or if u just got stabbed, say pog, that will totally help you

The twitch streamer got banned because he said *pog* on stream

by Those Cloths You Never Used April 22, 2021


power of goose


by allhailthetooth June 1, 2021


A word created by the Minecraft streamer and YouTuber tommyinnit used to describe something that is good or awesome. It can also be used as poggers.

yo, that build is poggers

by suck it green boy January 17, 2022


antonia mae appleton

woah that’s pog, like not antonia mae appleton pog, but still kinda pog

by Peron123 April 7, 2021


when literally anything happens, good or bad; Pog can be used to describe anything. The term has become so widespread it could literally be a sexual innuendo and no one would think twice.

Your neighbor: oh no my son died
You: Pog

by my_pal_annus April 4, 2021



im so pog

by pogchampchamppog April 21, 2021