Using a disabled or dead person, family member, or someone with a severe illness to farm upvotes or likes, usually found on default large subreddits.
Spamming a picture of some dude's dying wife? Man, that guy is really at it with the ol' Reddit Special.
Reddit is a place of terror even worse than hell.
if you wish not to stay a virgin do NOT use Reddit
The moment I used Reddit my wife left me...
Reddit Is an acid trip with many subreddits to tend to your needs
Zoomer: "Duude, I saw some Spongebob hentai on Reddit"
Boomer: "Ew, you're grounded."
Zoomer: "Lol, okay boomer
A utopia of different types of shit.
For example, there is good shit, bad shit, ok shit, gay shit, fucked up shit, and lastly That little shit in the corner.
Reddit is basically a world full of weird people just like you with different fetishes/beliefs
As an adjective, being "Reddit" means that a person believes they are smarter or more cultured than others, despite the fact their beliefs and cultured ideas are mostly circlejerked and require low media literacy to understand.
Person 1: I think Idiocracy is becoming a documentary every passing day.
Person 2: That's such a Reddit take.
A place with dead memes. And the most boring people.
Have you seen that funny reddit post?
No, I'm not retarded sorry.
A place where the CEO (Steve “F*ck you” Huffman) is so rich and caught up in his own mind that he shoots the website in the foot over Ads.
I went.. I mean I tried to go on Reddit, but after the Reddit Blackout, there wasn’t really a website left…