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Reverse Friday

Sunday is now called reverse Friday because its the opposite of friday

"What day is it today"
"Oh its reverse friday:

by Light bulb blanket July 18, 2020

Reverse Borders

Reverse Borders is a border policy which is practically incomprehensible, off-compass on the pro-immigration side of the immigration axis. It aims to do the exact opposite of what borders are meant to due, meaning it believes it should be policy that the citizenry of a region should vacate the interior of the country and only allow immigrants in the country.

"Reverse Borders policy is really inconprehensible, but a good example of that would be open a country for immigrants and move the native inhabitants of it to the countryside, the Israel-Palestine relations are a basic example of how reverse borders would work, Palestinians would be the native inhabitants and Israelis the imigrants and while Palestinians move to the countryside, Israelis keep taking the place of the Palestinians in the country."

by Full Monteirism April 22, 2021

Reverse Photobomb

(verb)- a photo taken without the knowledge and awareness of the person in the foreground, but known and planned by the person in the background and the photo taker. Basically the reverse of a traditional photobomb, where someone unsuspectingly jumps into the background of a people-posed photo.

Lark: Hey Jan, let's reverse photobomb Craig!
Jan: I'll run up behind Craig and pose. If he see's me, he'll have no idea what I'm doing.
Lark: This is going to be a great RPB pic! Let's RPB Gike Mallego next!

by Captain Incredible x Infinity June 1, 2015

Reverse Commando


Someone said, β€œhey you’re going reverse commando” at the passerby who was not wearing pants

by Xhyshejenddn July 10, 2019

reversal burning

Commonly used in wwe2k games where your opponent attacks you immediately after you reverse the previous attack. Done once or twice or untill your out of reversals it still counts as a reversal burn

You attacked me immediately after I reversed your previous attack, you are reversal burning

by Justanaveragegamer February 17, 2019

reverse Adoption

When a Chinese person adopts a white child. Contrary to the usual white adopting a chinese child.

Those children where from reverse adoption.

by ni2k December 31, 2011

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Reverse Pedo

A girl that likes to date older guys.

Dude 1: Hey did you know that girl hayley likes to date older guys?

Dude 2: She is such a Reverse Pedo

by jack walton......hey January 22, 2011

36πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž