Source Code


People who post pictures under this category to get attention

SCENESTER: omg, like whoa, screw myspace, urbandictionary.com is the best place to post my new pics like whoa


by Capitolist revolution July 7, 2005

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Scene, is a cheap imitation of 'emo', as 'emo' is a cheap imitation of goth. They think they are nonconformist and say that they have low self esteem, they like to take pictures, spend hours on makeup and hair, write poetry, write music, form bands that will last five minutes before the scene moves onto the next five second band and cut for attention. They seem to have manifested over night through 'myspace' and spend hours online being 'depressed'. I think it is highly unlikely that any of these kids know what true depression is like because they are usually happy to insult other groups of scenesters or random individuals for not looking like them. There seems to be small wars between them when at gigs because it is an excuse for every scene kid to dress up to his or her full 'potential', shall we say, and they usually hang around in groups being miserable and scowling at other groups. Let us hope they have the good sense to listen to the music at some point in their lives because that is what keeps the rest of us going, not petty wars over hair and makeup and who's cuts are bigger and deeper.

"Ewww look at that kid's fringe!" - hypocritical scene kid
"boo hoo hoo im so depressed"
"i shop at hot topic"
"My girl jean size is 8"

by metal head girl February 28, 2006

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Stop defining it; it has no definition; you don't want to be scene; you don't try to; you just become it. There are various types of scene if you want me to get technical.

However almost all of you are referring to that of the obscene; and emo categories it's a very stereotypical concept. Scene girls and boys dont say "kthxbai" they usually have a very vivid vocabulary. I'd know. "Want to be scenesters" say things like omg "NAME@THEDISCO!" or "GUNGSGOBANG" and love dinosaurs, and dots. It's basically just a word made up to describe beautiful people who have good fashion sense.. mmk?

see my myspace.
browse through friends.

by rachelscene August 21, 2006

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the whole scene lifestyle a fuckload of rules. I'm kinda fuzzy on the guy part of it, since I'm not exactly male, and I don't wanna mis-inform anyone, so I'll stick to the girl stuff. mmk?

so scene girls........god, where to start? I guess hair, because hair is probably the most identifiable part of a good scene kid, as long as they have scene hair. a lot of younger scene kids prefer to skip the hair, or atleast downgrade it, because a lot of schools see it as a dress code violation, or their parents might not let them. but I'm getting off the point. scene hair follows a few basic principles:
1} the cut. scene hair is usually choppy, sometimes even mullet-esque, but that's not always fashion-friendly. basically there are two main scene cuts: longish and shortish. short hair is usually a little longer than chin length in the front, with bangs that run straight across, usually just below the brow. the front pieces are typically longest, and angled upward to the back. on the back of their head it's usually cut in super-choppy layers that they use to gel in different directions. the longish cut usually has heavy side bangs, and a choppy cut all around. there's really no part that's particularly longer than the other parts. it's just all messy. sometimes they'll have grown out the very bottom layer, or put in super-long extentions on the bottom. hair is always straightened. no ifs ands or buts. always.
2} the colour. there are three main colours that are good for scene hair: black, red, or my personal favourite, white blond. usually black hair will be streaked with white blond, neon, or red, blond with black, neon, or red, and red with black, white blond, or neon.
3} the stylist. typically, scene hair is either styled by friends, the scene kid themself, or a stylist that's basically one of their friends. usually, however, it's one of the first two, as most parents don't want to pay for a stylish to "ruin" their child's hair.

it may seem like scene girls would all have the same hair, but it's amazing how different they can all look. people who say they're conformists are mostly just jealous. ;D

soooo.......what next? I'm actually really sleepy right now, so here's a list of scene kid trends/characteristics for girls:

-multiple piercings
-heavy eye makeup, either black or neon
-skinny jeans
-thick headbands (skinny ones look retarded)
-SMALL hairbows (big ones, again, look retarded)
-studded belts
-plastic beads
-jelly/sex bracelets
-ice cream cones
-candy (pony bead bracelets, often traded between scenesters & their friends)
-using && instead of &
-using words like orgasmic and the sex to describe myspace pics/people
-saying bai instead of bye
-being bi, which isn't really a trend, it just happens to be prevalent amoung scenesters
-calling scene people scene kids, no matter what age or gender
-whore trains on myspace bulletins
-strobe lights
-pretending to be gangster as a joke
-taking medication for various mental disorders like depression, social anxiety, etc (again, it's not really a trend, it's just more prevalent because in scene society it's okay to not be perfect)
-taking an excess of medication
-smoking cigarettes
-smoking weed

the best thing about scene is that you're fine however you are. scene kids will find something right with you when the cheerleaders and the preppies and the norms and even the dorks turn you away. and, of course, they have the most fun of any social group. because, really, what's more fun that going to local shows every weekend and getting so wasted you don't even remember what band you saw?

did you see those scene kids back there?
that girl is so scene!

by LEXX the SEXX August 9, 2007

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A BDSM, (bondage, discipline, sadism and/or masochism) meeting/hook-up. Usually a Dominant and a submissive meet up, and "play" meaning they indulge in Sadomasochistic activities. Posers in the BDSM scene will also use "scene" as a verb.

Typically, a fat bald "Dominant" will show up at a hotel room to meet an adulteress "submissive", also very fat. They met on-line on Alt.com, Bondage.com or Collarme, have chatted, webcammed, and masturbated online for 6 months and are ready to scene. The Dom will wear a leather vest and no shirt underneath; the sub will wear a corset and MUST wear thigh highs, or planets will collide. He will spank her fat ass and "order her" to give him a blowjob. She will submissively comply. The next day she will email her friends, "I scened with LordMasterDragonCreatoroftheUniverse and it was SOOOOO amazing."

by Authenticmeat August 7, 2008

10๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Scene, skinny pale losers trying to gain attention. Some examples of a scene kid are black hair, depressed look (see emo) and tight girly pants that will make them sterile.


by CrudeHonesty August 5, 2005

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1. Big sunglasses.

2. Act childish.


4. Obsession with little boy toys, and even girls. Dinosaurs, poke-a-dots, big bows, pink poofy dresses, etc.

5. Go to hardcore shows to meet up with their myspace boyfriends. If you can't find them, ask someone where the person with the 4 bandanas around his neck is.

6. Double the i's and the &&'s.. "&& ii still l0ve y0u!"

7. Go to hardcore shows to get scene points. They can earn these scene points by who's standing furthest in the back, who has more layers in their hair, who has more eyeshadow colors on, who's sunglasses are bigger, who's pearls are shinier, who's bow is bigger and has more pok-a-dots, etc.

8. they talk shit to the wrong people, and run away when they get punched in the face.

9. try to fashion someone out.

10. waer the most random and ugliest clothes.

oh shiit d00d. i earned 500 points with my fashionxcore outfit at the hardcore show last night; then ii got punched in the face by some br00tal tuff bitch && she BROKE MY XXL SUNGLASSES!!!!!! dammn!! i am such a scene girl!

by Erika love. July 24, 2006

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