It’s a disease, common to many, having skill issues has the common effects of:
•Being bad at games
•Most likely one of the few gamers who actually touch grass, as you need to dedicate time to curing yourself of skill issues
•getting more upset than others when you get wiped, why more upset than others? Be a it took you longer to get to where they are
As stated before, it’s curable, you just need to spend some time and study the mechanics
A: What do you mean you can’t kill it, it’s not even the worst boss
C: lmao it’s only a (insert mild difficulty boss)
A: he’s got a skill issue
B: I can’t do basic things in the game with skill, it feels like a hassle to kill a boss like that on the count that I’m just not good at the basic mechanics
When a player is very bad and can not get guder
Person 1: that kid is so bad he definitely has a skill issue
Person 2: I know right
Adjective- A slang used to define someone who greatly lacks a skill, especially at a game
I couldn’t imagine loosing like he did. Skill issue.
A word describing the lack of skill in ones performance in a game.
Glaivekiyo in his entirety career
Glaivekiyo have a skill issue
A problem DrDoomD1scord has with life where he cant do anything right
Drdoomd1scord is currently having a mayjor skill issue
1. When someone complains to you and it’s not your fault
2. When you see someone struggling with something, that’s their skill issue
1. “So can you go to the party on Saturday?”
“Nah sorry I can’t, my mom grounded me”
“Skill issue”
2. *Struggling to draw a circle*
“Skill issue”
evan has kill issues lol your bad
Luke:you know what that sounds like
remi:skill issues