Serial kill
Skiller-n. A serial killer
Skilling-v. Serial killing
Skillite-n. A person or persons that practice the art of skilling
Skilled-v. Someone or something that was skilled
Yo, I'm totally going to skill that whole family tomorrow night after the seance. Anyone else in?
smth you learn in the mental hospital to distract yourself from shit or to destress or smth like for example smth really minty that makes you forget you ever wanted to self harm
my therapist: hey ----, you still using the skills you learned in the mental hospital
me: yeah i am they actually help
Anything non grocery related in a store for example, stationary
I'm just going to look at the skills aisle
A word describing the lack of skill in ones performance in a game.
As a historian, It came from a 1965 bitter rivals prep school football game between Mount Hermon and Deerfield Academy, as a player yelled it during the game.
This is the same game where a football game was held WHILE A FIRE was raging behind them. Apparently, the fire was caused by faulty wiring, and everyone just decided to not care at all.
"Skill Issue" Is a term used by people often in competitive video games. It means "Bad", or "Not good". Though most who use it are often coping with their own skill issues.
"lol such a skill issue LLLLLLLL"
Skill issue: Typically Players in video games or online games who are less than average. These players are typically your "Friends that are there for the fun not for the skill," sometimes you will notice with these players it is like playing Russian roulette Sometimes these players hit, other times they are utterly horrible. and more on the horrible side.
These players typically Use the excuses "Oh i lagged," "their cheating," (10games in)"I just need to warm up, and many more like it.
These players also tend to sometimes be hostile. When they are killed they are seen to: repeat players insults to them, Accuse other players of bad game play, and tend to be very loud upon dieing or being bad.
Example of how Skill issue would be used:
Preston(Player one): "I Cant even stay alive! You're so lucky im lagging."
Hayden(Player two): "Sounds like a skill issue."