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State Trooper

An Underpaid, respectful, hard-working, talented, State Police Officer. They are given the task of keeping our great States Safe, yes they do write tickets, they do check commercial vehicles and other tasks to keep us all safe. They also respond to crashes(NOT ACCIDENTS) that the bad drivers out there cause, they will be the ones there to give you or your loved ones CPR and save lives when you need them. They have family and friends too, they work on Christmas instead of opening presents with their kids, so YOU can stay safe.So next time you see one these outstanding Men or Women, wave dont honk or flick them off, they have a dangerous job, cars flying by, people with guns and yes even shitbags with nothing beter to do than harrasss them. They have families to go home too, Lets help them keep US safe.

"That State Trooper just gave me a ticket what a asshole"
"Yeah that same dickhead pulled me out of my burning car and gave my baby CPR last week, what an ass"

by Louis H. October 14, 2005

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Blue state

NON-BIASED DEFINTION: In recent years, in the U.S. only, a blue state has come to mean a state that traditionally votes Democrat, as opposed to a red state which traditionally votes Republican.

In the past, media would use maps with red for one party and blue for the other, with no set standard. The current trend was set during the 2000 Presidential election, when NBC used it. The race was very close, and because of this, Tim Russert was often heard to say things like "Bush needs x more red states in order to win, and Gore needs x more blue states in order to win." Because the coverage was being watched so intently by so many people, the color scheme stuck, and is now used by all networks.

What many people don't realize is that this color scheme is actually the opposite of traditional political colors. Red has always been associated with socialism and communism (i.e. extreme forms of liberalism) as seen on flags of countries such as the P.R.C., the U.S.S.R., and the D.P.R.K. On the other hand, blue is most often associated with conservatism, and sometimes facism (i.e. the extreme form of conservatism). Most nations still use this color scheme.

It may be that NBC assigned these colors at random, or it may be because Republican and red both start with R. Neither party has officially adopted these colors. This color scheme has often led to confusion when residents of other countries see a political map of the U.S. or hear Americans discussing red states versus blue states.

When I hear the term "blue state" I automatically think of the United States or the United Kingdom, not New York or California. And when I hear "red state" I think of China or North Korea, not Texas or Utah. It's such a pet peeve that the U.S. got red state and blue state backwards!

by klopek007 November 11, 2009

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state school

In britain these are the government funded schools similar to the american 'public school'. state schools are free to attend as they are funded through taxation (even if your kids go to private school, i know, soo unfair).
State school pupils fall into many catagories:

1- the middle class kid who's parents don't love them enough to send them to private school and would rather buy an aga instead.

2- the common chav ( aka scum, thief, rapist, slut, and any other annoying scummy person). key identifying points are the classic disfigured chin due to inbreeding by their now incarcerated father(who is also their uncle)and as much fake merchandise that they can fit on their face and fingers.

3- the 'individual', these folks usually spend most of their time hanging around under a tree, in the music, art or drama department proclaiming their individuality whilst dressed the same and listening to the same music as their other individual friends.

State schools are not bad places really, they offer just the same education as a private school just with added sound effects of gang rape behind the bike sheds and teachers glugging down cocktails of meths and copper sulphate to pass the day quicker.

state school: any schools where the blazers are less than 100% pure british wool.

by m_gibi@hotmail.com October 21, 2007

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unknown state

Arizona, it is unknown to many people. but once you visit or live out here, you wonder why people dont know or respect this state. Phoenix area and Tucson area, is the most populated areas of the state.

im from the unknown state, Arizona

by 520savage May 13, 2006

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Georgia State

A university in downtown Atlanta full of hipsters who spend 90% of their time sitting in the courtyard smoking cigarettes with their beards and glasses on so everyone can see how cool they are. Georgia State is growing in popularity not only because it is one of the more esteemed schools in the state, but also because young hipsters know that they will fit in and can show themselves off to people who understand them.

At Georgia State, smoking out in the courtyard with everyone else. It's so cool

by itsmeagainok April 25, 2011

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The Worst State

Nebraska is the worst state ever. Full of cornfields, meth labs, hicks, racists, dumb people, and cousinfuckers. Giving Illinois and Oregon a run for their money. Don't come here. Ever.

John: Man! Oregon sucks!
Jeff: Trust me, Illinois is worse!
Guy from Nebraska: Amateurs. I am from The Worst State.

by I literally have 0 friends August 19, 2021

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Cuteatonic State

A catatonic or mental state reached from prolonged exposure to cute things or people, usually involving a wide, goofy smile, incoherent speech or severe giggles

A: What's wrong with C? Ever since she got to hold those kittens she's been whacked out and giggly, and I don't think she's moved in 20 minutes!

B: She's in a Cuteatonic State my friend. It isn't pretty but she should snap out soon.

by fireflight June 5, 2013

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