A babe who is demisexual(or just uninterested in casual sex) and appreciates generosity in a respectful/healthy way. Somewhat similar to a sugar baby but without the sexual implication.
"A stevia babe goes out with you if you're paying, but she's probably not gonna sleep with you."
"Our love is purely platonic but I'm usually the one paying when I'm with my adorable stevia babe."
Term meaning eating one's specimen as a celebration.
Came from Blue Babe, an extinct bison which the scientists ate a portion of it before displaying the carcass on museum.
The scientists Blue Babe'd a tuna in their celebration of the revival of the poor fish's race.
A lady that have a boyfriend but greediness no let her rest so she dey fuck up and down , make go no let us born them
Segun carry your babe for hookup babe
A babe lair is typically a bedroom in which a handsome and attractive male uses to bring equally attractive females back to for the night. The room is typically set up better than a typical room, incorporating elements to set the mood, and so that the females with become significantly more attracted to you, being in the presence of the rooms strong sexual power.
"Oh man, Tom Elliott's bedroom is an absolute babe lair!"
"Hey, come back to the babe lair for some fun"
White woman that likes black men or is married to a black man
Sorority Susie is cominous to our party since she broke up with Sam student. She hopes to meet someone new St the party. Did you know she's a gray babe?
A person who completely rocks the bedroom. Most often female this girl will keep u up till you can't walk and will give you absolute pleasure in every way possible. She is the best in bed but in the outside world gives off an unromantic front.
Most Pleasure Babes are named Nikki, Mackenzie, Sara, Anna, or Caitlyn
Man, I met this girl last night and she was a total Pleasure Babe.
Refers to how long an attractive/sexy female gathers attention from crowd.
Sable : Clara looks so fucking hot today.
Torres : Her Babe Span is on and will be extend for more than a day.