Source Code

carpet breathe

1. The taste in ones mouth has giving oral sex to a female.

2. Smell of ones breathe after giving oral sex.

Steve stands in Lee's face after oral sex... "What's up?"

Lee says "Wow, you have bad carpet breathe!"

Steve relies "My bad, been eatin my girl pussy."

Steve replies "Been eatin a lil cooter bang and archie lee!"

by Stevie Martinez December 27, 2008

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Shag Carpet

n. an intensified version of a carpet, a carpet that sleeps around
syn. filthy whore
see: carpet

At Mike's party, there was a shag carpet hitting on me.

by TracyL March 23, 2006

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carpet muncher

one who gets the munchies for the anatomy of a female

Jerrica is a carpet muncher.

by Carpet Muncher Supreme January 10, 2006

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Carpet Farkle

The dice game of ones and fives, modified from the original game farkle, played on carpet, so as not to wake anyone who might be sleeping at 4:00AM.

"Wanna play carpet farkle?"
-Sure. Whatever.
"I haven't vacuumed in weeks."

by sindazed March 20, 2005

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pulling carpet

When one goes down (eats out) a girl, as he or she is doing so, he pulls out the pubic hairs with his teeth. "Carpet" is sometimes used a slang for women's pubic hair. Hence, "pulling carpet."

Joe: What's with al that hair in your teeth?
Tom: Oh, I saw Beth earlier, and I was pulling carpet.

eating out going down pussy pubic hair teeth pulling

by penguindisco May 24, 2011

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green carpet

another word for weed.

on the phone you would say"hey man got any of thet green carpet?"

by lil miss April 7, 2006

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Carpet Fart

When a fart is so bad that you can actually feel it and smell it for at least 20 seconds after the release

Guy1: Ohh man, after those tacos I think I'm gonna rip a nasty ass fart (guy1 farts)

Guy2: Aww man that fart is so bad that I feel warm, and it smells like a hot pile of shit, you suck

Guy1: Yeah, that's a specially made carpet fart for ya

by CarpetFarter June 6, 2009

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