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Fellatio Logic

Thought terminating cliche

Blow your Mind control

An overused or redundant talking point used in place of true thought.

Vitriolic exaggeration overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect.

The start and finish of any ideological analysis

Fallacious logic

"Thought-terminating cliches are generally served up for our political fast food."

{Fill in the blanks} is Hitler.

Man, that guy shut me down with his fellatio logic. That blows.

by Socializt November 10, 2010

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Simply put, any person, place, thing, or action that is in existence or practice contrary to what one would expect; Against logic.

The girl in the fishnets isn't a prostitute? That's completely contra-logical.

by Organe April 25, 2009

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logic sticks

stupid people who don't know how to say logistics

Mustafa says logic sticks

by Owenharris12 February 24, 2014

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Serpentine Logic

To twist science facts presented to politicians for ulterior motives related to manipulating public support for large class-action lawsuits. The enactment of legislation with the intent of changing the state rock (mineral) designation to pander to a group of wealthy personal injury lawyers that have deliberately misled state congressmen on the geological relationship of serpentine to asbestos. Asbestoid materials may be derived from serpentine, but not all shiny blue and green serpentine is chrysotile (asbestoid form only).

California was the first, in 1965, to designate a State Rock. States in the USA that have significant mineral deposits often create a state mineral, rock, stone or gemstone to promote interest in their natural resources. For instance, in 2009, West Virginia named bituminous coal as their state rock.

Geologists have rallied to oppose the bill, arguing that there is no way to be harmed from casual exposure to natural serpentine rock.

Geologists throughout the US have scorned the proposed change of the state rock designation, pointing to the legal lobby petitioners Serpentine logic in blaming the mineral family as the cause of mesothelioma in order to sway personal injury court judgments to their favor.

by Intuit July 20, 2010

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pub logic

A warped method of reasoning and debate technique encountered primarily in the pub, whereby common sense and prior knowledge are overused at the expense of actual evidence and synopticity, caused mainly by alcohol intoxication. Resultant ideas, theories and conclusions range from the ridiculous to the surprisingly ingenious.

Tom: "Why is the music playing from the jukebox so crap?"
Dick: "I reckon they deliberately play crap songs, in order to make you pay to put on decent songs. Makes sense, right?"
Harry: "That's a dodgy bit of pub logic!"

by RightSaidJames June 24, 2008

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Hanco Logic

Hanco Logic is a unique way of thinking. It is usually very abstract and difficult for average person to understand. Hanco Logic contains many valid and invalid solutions and ways of reasoning. Yet Hanco Logic is i deal for many cases if creativity is needed to solve problems or to understand something.

He has real Hanco Logic.

That is Hanco Logic

by Reaping Words August 16, 2017

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Niyati Logic


Bro what kind of logic is this...
Niyati logic.

by jinxmaster69 May 27, 2021

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