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Pill Latte

When you mix your medication...like xanax or valium with a glass of wine

My son recently passed I am surving this with my pill lattes...not really a good idea but works

by Just Me The Griz August 16, 2011

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lead pill

Slang term for a bullet, often used in situations where it wouldn't be socially acceptable to say you want someone to die.

Friend 1: "Hey look, I found an unironic antivaxxer"
Friend 2: "Dumb bitch needs a lead pill asap"

by PerniciousWeed August 10, 2021

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floor pill

A pill found on the floor at a rave, ravers can be a bit spacktarded and they occasionally drop pills and it's too busy to pick them up again so on a rather busy night you can often spot a few around the place.

Floor pills are both grotty and have mystery contents so are ill advised.

person A: dude here have a pill
person B: no way am I touching that, it's a floor pill you hobo.
person A: whatever
*person A necks the pill
Two hours later person A died of super bad AIDS.

by anonymous coward #2 November 19, 2007

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brown pill

In reference to the red pill vs blue scene in the Matrix. A brown pill is when Neo decides that he if eating one pill is effective, inserting both pills into his ass will have the greatest effect. Thus the brown pill was born

Neo: *Bends over and opens up trenchcoat* you see the hole? Just brown pill me please, both at once if possible

by Brownpillbobby December 11, 2017

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Pill Hill

The most amazing neighborhood in southwest Rochester, Minnesota. Has a ton of huge, charming old houses, some nice parks, and easy access to the downtown area. Pill Hill obtained its nickname because in the early 1930s when the Mayo Clinic was just getting started, doctors inhabbited it (and still do). It is sometimes referred to simply as "the Hill" by its natives.

Pill Hill is the best place to be. It never gets flooded, unlike all the other neighborhoods down in the "bowl" (downtown). It's less than a mile away from the Clinic (so if you break your nose or whatever then you're covered). Most importantly, it is home to the chillest people you will ever meet.

Pill Hill kids are some of the coolest and smartest out there. Their parents are probably physicians if not surgeons, so they're pretty damn spoiled but not jerks about it. They throw the greatest parties and are the best company in the summer months.

Person 1: Man, my parents are making me move to Rochester because the Mayo Clinic has recruited my dad.

Person 2: Well, at least you'll probably get to live on Pill Hill.

by rochie303 April 20, 2011

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Its What happens when you take a lot of pills like hydros or xanax in Louisville Kentuckey

Me and Andy got pill-faced in Louisville last weakend

by Willzleg March 16, 2008

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favre pills

vicodin, a refined form of Codiene that is less irritable to most people but causes a euphoric, "just had sex" feeling for several hours...

very addictive, but rightly so, cuz you love that just got laid feeling to last, i mean who doesn't??

named so becuase of the All-time awesomest QB in NFL history's (brett favre) past and ongoing addiction to these..
but again, rightly so as he throws more TD's than picks and continues to break his own records for continuous games started, awesomeness, etc..

girl: yeah, i was in a ton of pain last week, i felt like i was going to die, the only thing that got me through were the vicodin..
guy: yeah, that sucks, you should really lay off the favre pills...
and lay on me if you wanna feel that good..

by k-pack October 24, 2005

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