Meaning a heavy user of cocaine or other known substances
See if that wop over there got money
when your nigga dad wopps the shit outta ya
Son; your such a nigga
Dad; fuck u say nigga
Dad; Immq bouta nigga wopp yo ass
nigga wopping
A derogatory term to describe an Italian from southern Italy
Don't listen to him. He's a swamp wop! swamp ginny
To hit someone with an umbrella
I'll Brolly Wop you if you aren't careful
When you bring an Italian girl from New Jersey home, and she squirts on your couch.
Holy shit man, after I took that wop chick home the other day she gave me that Jersey Wop Fountain.
Wop up (heard East Coast, US): to bring to a situation, or conduct oneself with the greasy, dishonest sleaze and personal shortcomings characteristic of the cohort indigenous to (and descended) from a certain boot-shaped stromboli farm.
Used as an adjective (‘she is proper wopped up’) or verb (‘don’t let him come in and wop it all up’), the term can be a versatile derogatory phrase useful for a variety of descriptive necessities.
(adj.) ‘Joey Muzzerello is all wopped up accusing other people of unfair behavior in fights he started for no reason’
(verb) ‘We would have been done yesterday if Salvi Capicolai didn’t wop up the room, we have to spend twice as long wiping hair gel off all the furniture as it takes to finish the film shoot’
Variations: ‘wop out’ (West Coast, US)