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backie buzz

A phrase describing the buzz you feel when you first start smoking cigarettes. Often includes lightheadedness, laughing, or a slight tingling or numbness of the body.

I just smoked my first cigarette and I'm backie buzzing.

by kn0w1ngg August 30, 2013

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Swag Buzzed

To be greatly buzzed because of a halusinagenic or alcohol, which makes your personality change into a more likeable "you"

Holy S*** Jeremy is so swag buzzed right now! He's definately coming to the next party!

by Jamble December 31, 2011

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buzz spillington

kind of like buzz killington, but it's when you're around the guy who constantly is knocking into you spilling your drink. he is not just buzz killington, he has reached a new level of buzz spillington.

god dammit, that buzz spillington keeps knocking my drink all over me!

buzz spillington just spilled my whole beer after flailing his flamboyant arms while telling that super gay story.

by bxroo52 June 27, 2010

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i'm buzzing

filled with psychedelic energy.

Devin: sup magz
Maggie: just blazin.
Devin: yeah, you've been hittin the bowl pretty hard
Maggie: yeah, i'm buzzing.

by Devine Morpheus and MM the Enigmatic Magnetic June 10, 2008

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economical buzz

An inexpensive way to get mildly intoxicated. Start with a cheap plastic bottle of booze, or a case of cheap light beer; then go slow.

I had a coupon for a free fountain drink, then I poured in a little cheap vodka to get an economical buzz.

We rushed a 30-pack from the pharmacy to the fridge. All of us got an economical buzz that evening watching the game on TV.

by yes juanito yes November 27, 2014

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buzz killington

Phrase used to describe disdain or vexation at a certain event or happening that has taken place. Usually used to say something just completely killed the mood or had a negative effect on what otherwise would have been a positive thing. In effect a mood killer or nuisance.

this girl is an absolute babe but she's way too funny for me, it's a pure buzz killington

by tinytown January 24, 2011

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Nap Buzz

The euphoric state between waking and sleeping that's lost if you don't get back to bed quickly enough.

Walking between couch and bed: "Don't talk to me, you'll kill my nap buzz"


Thinking: "If this piss takes any longer, I'll lose my nap buzz"

by WhiteSoul November 8, 2008

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