Having received a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
Montgomery county officials urge residents to get vaccinated and boosted to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
When u so high that u take the time to make an Urban Dictionary definition
Girliepop's so boosted she's looking up Urban Dictionary for these goofy ahh words she comin up with
A child who seems to be under the influence of some drug, leading him to do an outlandishly stupid thing.
It seemed that Russell was boosted when he asked how much water he should put in a flask that was supposed to stay empty.
being bad at a video game.
p1: what is he doing?
p2: i don’t know hes boosted
Being boosted is to have the potential to pull an epic gamer move, but not using that "potential" when it is necessary.
Alex: *Bumps the volleyball to David*
David: *Completely misses the ball*
Alex: "Bro you're so boosted"