The act of sneezing while sitting on the toilet, thus forcing fecal matter out of your anus at a high velocity, coating your toilet bowl with what looks like a dirty shotgun spread.
I tried to hold back my sneeze when I was in the bathroom, but rusty shotgunned and had to clean it.
A sexual position in which you load a pouch of skittles in to a vagina( or a butthole) and then blow air in to the vaginal cavity(or butthole) extending the person belly. Afterwards bending said person over and placing them in a headlock while another person gets on there knees behind the skittle recipient. After evreyone has taken there places ,the person administering the headlock kicks the recipient of the skittles in there bloated belly shooting the third person in the face with now slightly slimy skittles.
"Well it's a fact, I'm too fucked for normal sex" ,"why" ,the only way I get off nowadays is the old tropical shotgun.
A 12 Guage shotgun wielded by Samir in Tom Clancy's The Division 2, Samir can be identified through his iconic green kenkesse t-shirt and by his pure will to stomp enemies 300 feet from him
Oh shit its Samir and Samir's shotgun, that dude stomps enemies up to 10000 feet away!
when you take a hit hold it and transfer the hit to another persons mouth
When you go to deficate in the lavatory, but you need to be quick so you go for a shotgun shit, sometime given it’s name because it has a wide spread shot and can cause a lot of damage if it hits someone in close range.
“Hey Rob we are in the middle of a game where you going” “don’t worry lads I’m off to do a shotgun shit I’ll be back in 30 seconds”
The big mighty James Phillips will shout this from the rooftops.
Shotgun Bullets