Source Code


The moment in time when triple digits appear on a clock.

Holly frequently sees more, and more tri-mings through out the day. Every time she looked up wondering what time it was, the clock read: 111, 222, 333, 444, or 555.

by Cloud Sniper February 19, 2014

Minh Tri

Minh Tri is a shy person in apparence but when you know him, he can be really funny and he will always be there for you except if he is playing video games.

He is probably gay.

Have you seen Minh Tri ?
Yes he is in the rooftop.

by Vanou January 31, 2024


One of the rarest Asian names you'll ever find in the world, especially one with a hyphen. He's the type of guy who always laughs like a goose and will often attempt to make bad jokes while being shy and discreet. To strangers, he may seem like a weird person, but if you're a close friend of Minh-Tri, you'll know that he's a different person compared to the strangers' perspective. He's actually very creative, loves to daydream, and because he's always shy, he tends to stick to his friends; otherwise, he'll back himself into a corner and daydream. When you tell a joke, even if it's a bad one, he will always laugh (still like a goose), not because of awkwardness, but because he genuinely finds it funny. He's very clumsy with words, so to compensate for the lack of his words, he'll always engage in physical contact.
There's a chance that when he's in a group of friends, he will be a dork for the laugh otherwise he will be calm and discreet.

Minh-Tri rarely gets a girlfriend, but when he does, he's very caring, both to his girlfriend and to his closest friends.

Sometimes, having a Minh-Tri is all you need to make your day.

Guys1: Did you heard the laugh?
Guys2: I bet its a Minh-Tri

by Bourguiguignon November 16, 2023

minh tri

Bane of a guy Whitney loves cock

I think he is a Minh Tri

by Not a Minh Tri January 9, 2018

Upstate Tri-Thrust

A sexual position that works out triceps. The man puts his legs up on a low table or a chair while his hands are also on the edge of a different chair. The girl squats over his crotch while he does chair dips simultaneously banging the woman.

Dude, my arms are so sore from doing the upstate tri-thrust with my girlfriend last night.

by VannTheMann March 14, 2011


Tri-Sexual means your straight, but your not bisexual but you wanna try things, and not be called bisexual. but your also willing to try anything fruityyyy.

Im tri-sexual but dont tell anybody.

by Big.Mama.Skyy February 22, 2022

Tri sexual

Someone who likes men, women, transexuals and/or transgenders and is willing to "Tri" anything sexually

"I like men, women, and transgenders"
"You must be a tri sexual"
"Im willing to try anything sexually"

"I think I'm a tri sexual"

by Your_real_name-. July 19, 2022