Joe Rogan admits he's a moron and that you should NOT listen to him about politics. Do not listen to that sack of shit. He made Adam and Matt look like idiots. That's not important to the definition but... You know... Hahahahahahaha fucking idiots.
Hym "Yeah... If he's telling you to vote republican you should probably vote Democrat..."
Something that a person whose approval rating is consistently below 40% doesn't get.
"81 Million Votes, My Ass" is a popular satirical song about the voting count in 2020.
please vote for me
cause to feel happy and satisfied.
I need a dog please vote for me.
Hey, you guys are voting if you should let this word be published or not. But, are you eating well? Are you staying healthy? It’s pretty late isn’t it? Go to sleep...
Hey people voting ily
1. A vote cast in the name of our supreme leader!
2. A vote made by a person who is dedicated to Keeping America Great!
Count the "legal vote"s
Phrase used on the internet (founded by a man going under the alias of Flamecrest) to express your approval in a longer sentence than 'Okay.' or 'Sure.' Counterpart of 'To vote con'.
"We should totally have a Urban Dictionary sub-forum!"
"Sounds great, I vote pro."
When you feel elated that the candidate for which you voted won the election.
Ah, the vote gloat that occurs when someone like she wins.