yus=yes a word used by a egirl named amaya(sunkisxd444) and if you say it she will call you a word stealer and ride ur dick.
stranger' do you want robux?
amaya' YUS
stranger' yus?
amaya' yes
Girl 1: Do you wanna go to the beach today?
Girl 2: Yus! Of course!
Meteor shower, my favorite boiii. Gay boi too. He from maris stella go find him
Gong Gong and like to say the word pp Tan Yu Heng
羽 means feather. It symbolizes trust, honor, strength, wisdom, power, and freedom. Meanwhile 晴 means clear, or capable of being seen through. And so, 羽晴 means they're very trustworthy, full with honor, have the strength like an ox. They're also filled with freedom, and they're very wise.
Her name is Yu(羽) Qing(晴)? No wonder her friends are all so proud of her. She's very wise, and would die for her friends.
(you-yee) the longing to feel things intensely again; as if somewhere along the way, you simply forgot what it's like to be passionate, to care about something more than yourself - to be able to tell yourself that you're truly happy and feel love.
yu-yi is an emotion. so you could say "i've been feeling yu-yi lately.."
When you want your friend to see something and you don't want to approach him annoyingly so you say it with a stupid, edgy accent so he doesn't understand.
Friend 1: Ä Yu Luggimän?
Friend 2: Yemen Yemen Ye A Luggimän